538. Virginia Lee Montroy
On my side of the house in your site we have the family of Lawrence and Ethel Montroy with their thirteen children. You have worked with me to list full names and birthdate. May I sent short bio's of each of the children; like marriage and children and small info bits for your posting? If so they will come in a little at a time. Virginia, the oldest, will prepare one and it may take years for the rest. I am hoping this will be bait to make the rest follow suit.
The second child in this family is Gerald and they have adopted a ten year old Chinese girl with no knowledge of any language, but Chinese. This was a year ago and she is near grade level and way out front in mathematics, science. Virginia, a teaching nun, has been tutoring her. She is very sharp and direct and the fun story was asking what she wanted for Christmas. She has now a brother, graduate of Northwestern law school and a member of Gerald's firm and a sister who is married to an lawyer. Kate, the ten year old chinese sister said. "What are they asking for". my my.
Hope you both had a good weekend and can take it easy. Tell me about your selling and down scaling the operation. Future plans, enjoy life and travel?
harry 8/27/2006
Virginia Says Tim arrived in USA on April 26, 1983
The wedding was well done, perfect reception and follow up evening for the hardy. Lot of fun talk around the pool where Virginia's brothers and sisters stayed. One of Virginia's sisters son in law is heavy in the swine stock, hog farmer, and ships seed stock to China by the thousands, yes, thousands. So many a month by air cargo. This Swine Flu hurt the business. They are in and out of China to the growers and orders/shipments as a sales routine marketing. This routine is quite different than my pigs to market knowledge.
Jennifer Erin Bundy is the daughter of Randy and Susan Bundy of Laurinburg, North Carolina
The second child in this family is Gerald and they have adopted a ten year old Chinese girl with no knowledge of any language, but Chinese. This was a year ago and she is near grade level and way out front in mathematics, science. Virginia, a teaching nun, has been tutoring her. She is very sharp and direct and the fun story was asking what she wanted for Christmas. She has now a brother, graduate of Northwestern law school and a member of Gerald's firm and a sister who is married to an lawyer. Kate, the ten year old chinese sister said. "What are they asking for". my my.
Yes, I am the Gerald Lawrence Montroy. You can find out a little about me in the New York Times, Time and Newsweek magazines archives under "Father Gerald Montroy" and some under just Gerald Montroy, Attorney at Law. I did a bit of civil rights work between 1968 and 1970 and gained a bit of publicity and then went to law school. Now I am boring and retired....but enjoying life.My purpose in writing the book is private publication rather than publicly doing so. It may just be online. I expect it will be free or for minimal charge. I just want to let my siblings, their children, my children and the curious know the experiences of our ancestors.
Presently, I am about finished with Chapter 2 of my book. I have pretty well covered Champlain, his extraordinary role in New France, the Indians and their alliance with Champlain, the reason for the French expansion up the St. Lawrence River and beyond [the fur trade] and I am now ready to describe the milieu in which Louis Sedilot lived in France, why he crossed the Atlantic and the milieu he found when he arrived in Quebec [aka kebec] in 1637. I have not but need to spend a few hours each night working on the book rather than doing other things.Thank you for all the work you have done on our geneology. It is most valuable and helpful to my efforts of putting all this in historical context.
Jerry Montroy
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3 to learn of the death of Marian Montroy of Collinsville, who
4 passed away April 13, 2002, at the age of 53; and5 WHEREAS, Marian Montroy was born in Breese to Aloysious
6 and Rita Rakers and was proud to be educated at Ruma Convent
7 in Red Bud by the ASC religious order of women; she was a
8 member of Ruma Convent until 1972; and9 WHEREAS, Marian Montroy received a BS degree from St.
10 Louis University and was a medical technologist by training
11 (MTASCP); she had been employed by both Memorial Hospital in
12 Belleville and Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital in St.
13 Louis, Missouri; in 1980, Marian Montroy dedicated herself
14 full time to working at home as a mother and housewife; her
15 avocation was art history, which she studied at both St.
16 Louis University and Washington University from 1995 until
17 2002; and18 WHEREAS, Marian Montroy was a member of St. Jerome
19 Catholic Church in Troy and initiated several outreach
20 programs for members of the Troy and East St. Louis
21 communities; she tutored children in Madison, East St. Louis,
22 and St. Louis when she was able; and23 WHEREAS, Marian Montroy will be greatly missed by her
24 family and friends, who have been the beneficiaries of her
25 wit, wisdom, cooking, and loving care, especially her
26 husband, Gerald Montroy; her son, Christian Montroy; her
27 daughter, Anna Montroy; her mother, Rita Rakers; her five
28 brothers, Gerald (Wanee) Rakers, Maurice Rakers, Allen
29 (Cathy) Rakers, Kevin (Kathy) Rakers, and Leon Rakers; her
30 four sisters, Carol Hyde, Geralyn (Owen) Hurd, Elaine
31 (Jerome) Barton, and Michelle Rakers; her nephew, Zachary
32 Rakers, to whom she was particularly dedicated; and her
-2- LRB9216714BHbh
1 numerous nieces and nephews; therefore, be it2 RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE NINETY-SECOND GENERAL
3 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
4 all those who knew her and loved her, the passing of Marian
5 Montroy; and be it further6 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7 presented to the family of Marian Montroy with our most
8 sincere condolences.
559. Robert (Bob) Bendorf
Bob just retired from the federal service--he was a nurse practioner, they live in Clarksville, TN.
560. Allan G. Bendorf
Al, my husband, is a nurse anesthetist, and semi-retired. He works 2-3 days a week at an eye clinic, mostly does anesthesia for cataracts.
566. Thomas James Hollingsworth
Tom is a graduate of Southern High School and Johns Hopkins University with a B.S.
Degree in Business Management. As a young man he shipped out in the Merchant
Marines with the Seaman’s International Union and traveled as far away as Japan
and Korea. Spent two years in the Army and was assigned to the United States Army Advanced Marksmanship Unit at Fort Benning. USA AMUBefore moving to Idaho Tom was very active with the Lacrosse Foundation at Johns
Hopkins and had a history in sports in high school and college. Tom has continued
his service volunteering while in Idaho on various boards such as the North Bench Fire Board,
Sheriff's Dept, Translator and P&Z to name a few.Dear John & Doug: (dated January 22, 2007)
When I was very, very young I remember my father saying bad things about Catholics (my mother was Catholic and separated from us ), I ask him why he didn't like Catholics and he said they ran us out of Ireland. Obviously he heard this from his father and grandfather.I had forgotten all about that until after my DNA match proved I was of Irish decent. I had put it completely out of my mind and considered myself English based on the fact that I could only trace my family back to Manchester, England in the mid 1800s.
A couple things have registered with me due to the last couple emails I have received from you.
Number #1: Yes, the Wexford Hollingsworths had always claimed their ancestors came from England.
I always thought it was because they didn't want to be Irish, I think I was wrong about that assumption.Number #2: Yes, Valentine and probably most of his family went to England to escape the rebellion because of their Quaker influence, plus the will to live. Many of the Jews were smart enough to do the same thing before Hitler came to power.
For the past couple years I too, like Bill in Dublin, have always felt my lineage goes back to Valentine's brother Thomas born abt 1634. I have always felt it was his brother Thomas that signed things along with Valentine, not Valentine's son.
There is a lost generation between Thomas born abt 1634 and Samuel born abt 1710 and John born abt 1713. I believe these two men to be brothers and most likely born in England.
I believe that Samuel 1710 is the sire of the Arklow family and John 1713 is the sire of the Ballycanew family. Bill in Dublin traces his family back to Samuel and I trace my family back to John. If Bill doesn't match with his DNA, that would blow that theory out of the water, but I would bet anything he will match .
I don't think it was a coincidence that my ancestor James (born 1811 Ballycanew) settled in Manchester when he mustered out of the army in 1845, I now feel he had a family history in Machester. That would also coincide with the Wexford families claiming to come from that area of England.
The England theory would certainly explain the absents of any records in any of the counties pertaining to Hollingsworths after the rebellion of the 1640s. And like I said earlier, your last couple emails really seemed to hit home and get me thinking.
Another obvious fact is the Wexford Hollingsworths were not Quakers, they were Church of Ireland, and a good reason why they didn't accompany Valentine to America. They stayed in England for one more generation before going back to Ireland as young men, and this time to the peaceful south, which was to prove not a very good idea in the long run.
Thanks for letting me express my thoughts and taking the time to read them,
Best Regards, Tom (Ballycanew)
In 1993, the Boundary County Idaho Translator board’s chairman, Tom Hollingsworth began a series of negotiations with the Forest Service and US West to construct a state of the art 12X36 communications building. These negotiations lasted over 3 years. The Chairman and Translator Board’s efforts in those long and sometimes frustrating negotiations netted our county an estimated overall saving of $50,000. In addition, all equipment is now housed in a secure and weatherproof modular building with room for future expansion.
History of the Boundary County Translator District
1966-PresentIn 1993, the board’s chairman, Tom Hollingsworth began a series of negotiations with the Forest Service and US West to construct a state of the art 12X36 communications building. These negotiations lasted over 3 years. The Chairman and Translator Board’s efforts in those long and sometimes frustrating negotiations netted our county an estimated overall saving of $50,000. In addition, all equipment is now housed in a secure and weatherproof modular building with room for future expansion
Tom Hollingsworth - Candidate for State Representative, District 1 - Bio
Tom and his wife Toni are long time residents of Bonners Ferry. Tom, who is now retired, founded and operated Holly Gardens, a successful retail garden center/tree farm. Tom is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University with a B.S. degree in Business Management. Tom served in the military as a member of the United States Army assigned to Advanced Marksmanship Unit (USA AMU) stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia under command of General Maxwell Taylor’s Continental Army. He has been an ardent volunteer serving in many capacities on boards as chairman and various other positions with the North Bench Fire Association, Neighborhood Watch, Boundary County Translator Board, Youth Advisory Board, Guardianship Board, Friends of the Restorium and is currently the Chairman of Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission. Tom continues to volunteer, serving many years with the Boundary County Sheriff’s Department; two and a half years were spent as a volunteer dispatcher. Tom’s experience as a successful businessman and his dedication to public service for all the people make him uniquely qualified to represent the people of Bonner and Boundary Counties as a State Representative for District 1.
603. Marc Thomas Hollingsworth
Marc is a graduate of Baltimore County Woodlawn High School and Saint Mary’s College of Maryland with a degree in Economics. He graduated with honors and was awarded the Saint Mary’s Scholar Award for excellent. He spent many years working for Bell Atlantic - Verizon and took an early out after 17 years to pursue a career in Chinese studies.
As a youngster Marc enjoyed playing sports such as baseball and lacrosse. He loved to ski and became interested in bike racing in his later teen years narrowly missing death traveling down a mountain near Ellicott City and hitting a car head on. Marc like his sister Andrea has always work hard at doing whatever endeavor that interested them at the time to perfection.
604. Andrea Hollingsworth
Andrea is a graduate of Mount DeSales in Catonsville, Maryland, University of Maryland and the Baltimore International Culinary Institute. Andrea is currently employed by a large New England company and lives between her homes in Framingham, New Hampshire and Cape Cod.
Dad- I just want to tell you and Toni how much you mean to me. I keep
having these memories pop in my head.... of different times we've been
together. I remember Marc and I in the back seat of a car with you and
mom in the front seat....you pulled over and picked up a piece of
furniture...we drove for a while and discovered bees were in the car..do
you remember this...where were we???I hope you know how much I cherish my childhood and what you have done
for me. I appreciate the person you made me. My life is wonderful
because of you . I know I did a lot but you are the one who turned me
into who I am today.We will be down the cape this weekend, just the 2 of us.....tomorrow
night we are going to dinner with the $$ you gave us. We are going to
the Impotent Oyster in Chatham, you and Toni went there for lunch.Xoxoxo
Carolyn Jane(Toni) Sias Hollingsworth
Toni’s father was a reporter in the White House at the time of Toni’s birth. Shortly afterwards she, her sister Nancy and her father and mother moved to Sioux City, Iowa where Toni spent the rest of her childhood. She later went on to Iowa and Iowa State finishing her education with a Master Degree in Botany. Two of Toni’s passions are her love for gardening and watercolor painting, both of which she excels in.
569. John Rex Harmon
On Tuesday, October 31, 2006, John Harmon peacefully took his last breath, bringing his wonderful life on this earth to a close and beginning life eternal with his Lord and Savior.
John was born on August 17, 1918 in Colchester, IL, third of eight children in the family of Rollie Addison Harmon and Ollie Ethel Holt. He grew to manhood in St. Louis, MO where his father was minister of the First Christian Church on Fountain Avenue. There he met Lucille Mangers, a nursing student at Missouri Baptist Hospital, and they were married on Easter Sunday, March 24, 1940. During World War II John served in the Pacific in the 7th Armored Division and witnessed the carnage of Nagasaki first hand just days after the horrific bombing brought that war to a close, then returned home victorious to his wife and family in St. Louis, and to study music at Bradley University.
John proved to be a talented musician and aspired to sing in the New York Metropolitan Opera. Instead, family ties brought him to Washington State and employment first with The Milwaukee Road, then the Bonneville Power Administration. A BPA position at Chief Joseph Dam brought John and his family to Bridgeport in 1964 where John was elected Justice of the Peace in 1970, beginning a 36 year term in the Douglas County District Court as municipal judge for Bridgeport and Brewster, making him the longest-serving judge in Washington State. John was part of many other community activities over the years, including the School Board, Chamber of Commerce, City Council and The American Legion. John was proud to be the founding member of Dollars for Scholars.
Music was always an important part of John’s life. Accompanied by his wife Lucille on piano, John led many musical groups in the greater Wenatchee-Okanogan area. Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus will forever remind many of John and his passion for spiritual music and energetic musical direction. John helped countless students develop their musical talents with voice lessons over the years and was a regular vocalist in church and community events. John played the cello in the Okanogan Symphony Orchestra.
John is survived by sisters Myrtle Poston, Tacoma, Margaret Carson, Arcadia, MO, and Frances Davidson of Yelm; daughters Ruth Ann Townsend, Baker, OR, Mary Jane Sletten, Las Cruces, NM, Myra Hall, Anderson, IN; sons Rex, Index, John Paul, Albany, OR and Peter of Tacoma; 26 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren, and 9 great-great grandchildren. John was preceded in death on December 22, 2005 by Lucille, his wife of 65 years; his parents; brothers Robert, Glen and Paul; sister Myra McGreevy; and children, Rollie Harmon and Barbara Stanley.
A memorial service will be held at the Adventist Church in Brewster on Monday, November 6, 2006, at 10:00 AM with the Reverend John Hierholzer officiating. A private committal service for family and interment will follow at the Bridgeport Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to Hillcrest House in Brewster or The Guild House in Wenatchee.
On Thursday, December 22, Lucille Harmon drifted off to sleep at home with her devoted husband of 65 years, then awoke in the everlasting arms of her Lord and Savior.
Lucille was born on May 5, 1918 in Decatur, IL, the youngest child of Peter Mangers and Phoebe Jane Burchfield. She attended nurses training at Missouri Baptist Hospital and became a registered nurse in 1939. On March 24, 1940 she married John Rex Harmon, an aspiring opera singer. When wartime called her husband to serve in the Pacific, Lucille worked as a nurse in St. Louis and learned to play the piano. After the war ended, Lucille welcomed John home and together they made beautiful music for another 60 years.
In 1949 John and Lucille moved their growing family to Washington state, living in Tacoma, Vantage and Hermiston, Oregon before finally settling in Bridgeport in 1964. Wherever she lived, Lucille combined her organizational talent and passion for children and music by teaching piano lessons and orchestrating many memorable musical productions at church and school.
Lucille will be remembered for her unfailing devotion to God and family during a lifetime of loving service and self-sacrifice. During her life, Lucille endeared herself to many with simple acts of caring that made us feel appreciated and special. Her remarkable courage in battling infirmity inspired us all.
Lucille is survived by her husband in Bridgeport, sister Gladys Pritchett (New Salem, IN), daughters Ruth Ann Townsend (Baker, OR), Mary Jane Sletten (Las Cruces, NM) and Myra Hall (Anderson, IN), sons Rex (Index, WA), John Paul (Corvallis, OR) and Peter (Tacoma, WA), and 26 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren, and 9 great-great-grandchildren.
Lucille was preceded in death by her parents, brother Gerald, and children Barbara Stanley and Rollie Harmon.
A memorial service will be held at Barnes Funeral Home in Brewster on Tuesday, December 27, at 2:00 pm with the Reverend John Hierholzer officiating. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to a charity that was very special to Lucille: standupgirl.com Foundation c/o Kate Ewald, 4335 River Road North, Salem, OR 97303.
576. Lecia Edna Montroy
Hello Tom,
I was so thrilled to find your page on my family.I am descended from the Sedilot-Montreuil family.I am very interested in geneology.My immediate ancestor is Michel Sedilot,dit Montreuil from Quebec.
My name is Lecia Montroy Benowitz.I come from Ogdensburg,NY.
I just want to be connected and to let you know that I exist.
LeciaBonjour Cousin Tom,
I just read your email.I was so happy that you wrote to me.I am not at all surprised that I am the first "cousin" that wrote to you.From my experience The Montroy's are not a social bunch.I dont know my cousins and I have hundreds.From my personal experience they just are not friendly.I dont know why because I am.
This is how I fit in.My father is Leon Montroy and his father is Leo Montroy and his Father is Fred Montroy and his Father is Michel Sedilot dit Montreuil.Now this Michel was from Les Cedres,Quebec.
It seems a lot of our relatives came from there.He was born 1811.
His son Frederick Joseph was born jul 24,1852 in Les Cedres,but he is the one that came to Ogdensburg and called himself Montroy,because he is buried in Notre Dame Cemetary in Ogd.
His Father Michel was married to Justine Cholet born in 1825 in St.Polycarpe,Que.Now I got all this info from the Shollette family.
They have a big web page with all our relatives including my imediate family on it.
How do you fit in here? Do we both come from Louis Sedilot's son Jean that called himself Sedilot dit Montreuil?
Growing up all I knew was that our name was originally Montreuil.
No one knew anything about Sedilot.It came as quite a surprise.
So we really are Sedilot's. from the town of Montreuil? Correct?
And that is in Picardy France?I would love to go there.
I would love to hear from you again as to how we are related.
your cousin, LeciaHello Harry,Always glad to hear from you.This is me in Quebec City.I have also been to the Copacabana many years ago.You would not recognize it today.It is a Latino dance club!! Do you mean the Worlds Fair in Montreal in 1968?Because I was there.Only a child of courseI love the Canadian maritime provinces.I have been to Nova Scotia,New Brunswick and Prince Ed.Island.I think Cape Breton Island on NS and northern New York are the most beautiful places I have been.Did you know that Ogdensburg has really gone downhill and is nothing like it used to be.That makes me very sad as it used to be such a lovely small city.I hear there are a lot of drugs there and so much has been torn down or dilapidated.I will send you my son's you tube from there.Its great that you lived in France.I am very anxious to go to Europe,but it is expensive and I am afraid to fly!! But,I still want to go.I did of course look at Louis Sedilot,how else do you think I found you and TOM!! I also looked for you in the search and I cannot find what you are talking about.I did put in your name but I didnt get you.I would love to see the pictures you are talking about.Perhaps I need some further info.I have Jury Duty on Monday and I am very angry about it because they keep picking me over and over.I have already served on 2 Juries and was even the foreperson.I think they should get other people that have never served,like everyone I know.No one I know has ever served,and that makes me angry,because its not fair and I like FAIR>Well,Harry,cuz.I hope you have a good week and tell Joan Happy Mothers Day and I hope you and all your family have a good weekend.Leciaaka spuddy viking queen