Descendants of Louis Sedilot


Mary Anne Hore (Harr)

Tom, I am glad that we both shared the information on Jean Baptistes, however, you may be as confused with the Hore/Andrews saga. Was she a daughter of an Andrews, married an Eason/Easton. She was young and none of this fits!!!
JB marries her in Perryville to avoid the church problem of two wives, then baptised several of their children in the Catholic church.
The Montroys have four plots at the Evergreen Cemetary all unmarked..The floods created problems and many were reburied to avoid the bodies being washed down the river. These plots with the old size coffins would bury six to seven. I can add alot of color from stories told.
George, the oldest son, was a steady hand with his mom and dad's new wife. So George with his three half brothers, WILLIAM, Michel and Joesph went to fetch my Henry in Canada. Did Marie when pregnant with the baby and Henry take off during this family upset? JB leading a fast life died young which left Julie to sort out the will.
Although poor JB had some land, the French homestead grant from the British, and the Revolutionary war he fell heir to. Little Henry had to probate the will for his share.
You have a distant cousin, her father married one of William's sisters, "Marlene Seymore" She is a DAR wizard having validated at least seven times with direct line Revolutionary War veteran.
Old Old JB was one of the two guides for Rogers's overland trip to Vincennes. One of the first French Voyagers to be credited.
Next, my wife Joan's ancestor married one of the sisters (Lybarger) so now we are all kinfolk.. OOOyea You did asked for some dates. Joan has one sister, life born 1930 in Chester. Their parents Andrew J. Hagan born November 30,1896 and died February 10, 1963,. her mother Ida H Lybarger born July 24 1898 and died March 17, 1987 . Joans sister Lietha or LEE. My father born June 13,1894 and died April 9,1976 . My mother taught school in Randolph County from 1920 to 1972. She used here maiden name as her middle name, Hazel A Montroy born September 10, 1903 and died December 10,1988. I was the only child
Jean Baptiste was a Captain of the Militia, he was the absolute ruler of civil and military for the area . His bride was also a Captain of the Militia's daugther and they all signed the papers with XXXXXX . Again I need help in the Hore/Andrews story. If you have any source on the early years of Montreuil and the family that ruled, tell me. ----- Original Message ----- March 17, 2004 10:16 AM Subject: family

Jean Baptiste Montreuil married Mary Harr on 26 December 1826. The parents of Mary are unknown, and the name could possibly be Hore or Hare. Probate records show Harr more frequently than other spellings. Hand written the O and last R could be A and E. Jean Baptiste 1804 had six children - none named Jean????

Julia and Jean Baptiste had three boys: David, 1844; Joseph, 1846; and William, 1848.

Julia Easton Andrews (Second Wife)

Julia, she came from CT; married Jean Bap. in 1845 and assume since not married in church but in Perry Cty MO by JP, marriage to Mary Harr(Hore) was still valid in church??? Julie was still living in 1880 Randolph Cty IL census ith Frnk (Francis) her son and the last we know of her - on marriage record it is stated her name is Julia Eason; on son's Frank's marr. license it is stated his mother's name is Andrews - Who knows? But I've been checking for several years without success - It is not known where Jean Baptiste Montroy and julia are buried; maybe on the farm where they lived; on sexton's record in local cemetery there is a plot bought by a Jean Baptiste Montroy, but no one knows if anyone buried there - no tombstones!! And the mysteries continue!!

Julia, your gggrandmother was sorting out to the children of the last Jean Baptiste, yours and mine. The estate was good enough for all that wanted property got a farm!!!!

Jean Baptiste 1804 remarried 23 December 1841 in Perryville, Missouri in a civil contract to a JULIA ANDREWS (Eason). Julia is the daughter of Truman ANDREWS and Lucy STEELE. She has one brother TRUMAN. We can understand the Perryville civil marriage for Jean Baptiste is still, by church law, married to Mary Harr. What is confusing is that the children of Julia and Jean are baptized in the Catholic Church.

Mary Henderson -McGuyer or Mortaman?

I'm researching the Henderson family. In the 1850 Coahoma Co, MS Census, Francis and his wife, Mary, had 2 Henderson females living with them and they were living next door to a Jane Henderson. I believe Francis' wife, Mary, was related to the Henderson family, but I can't prove it yet. (Sandi Whitty)2005

I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you. I don't believe Mary's name was Henderson. I think her maiden name was McGuyer. I can't prove this though.

336. Francois Cedilot dit Lamer

In the 1881 Soulanges Census, Augustine, his wife Melina and children Joseph and Georges lived with Francois and Domitilde.