274. Jean Baptiste Sedilot dit Montreuil
Jean was baptised on 10 Nov 1783 and his sponsors were Louis Thaumur La Source and Marianne Roy.
275. Antoine M. Sedilot dit Montreuil
Antoine was baptised on 18 Sep 1785 and his sponsors were Antoine D'Amour and Cecile Regis-La Source-Thaumur.
278. Francois Marion Montroy Sr.
Francis Marion Montroy, Sr. b.1797,Randolph County, Il; died in Coahoma
County, Missisippi. His wife was named Frances. He was buried in Friars Point, MS behind the Levee, and in a flood in the early 20th century the levee broke and all the tombstones in that cemetery washed away.
I also found that there was a Montroy Cemetery in Coahoma, Co, MS:
Coahoma Co, MS Cemeteries Montroy Cemetery 342329N 0903144W Moon Lake.
(Sandi Whitty)Francois was baptised at home at his birth by Joseph Longval verger of the parish. Sponsors were Francois Montreuil and Marie Louise Gendron.
295. Philippe Prieur
Philippe was an Innkeeper and his education was in cultivator. (Framing)
On 3 Feb 1823 Philippe married Emilie LEMAY, daughter of Amable LEMAY & Josephte LEFEBVRE, in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
They had the following children:
i. Emmelie. Born on 19 Jun 1825 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
33 ii. Philippe (1824-1869)
iii. Marguerite. Born in 1826.
Witnesses-Antoine Latiluppe, brother in law; Xavier Bonneville, brother; Philippe Prieur, fatherOn 17 Aug 1846 when Marguerite was 20, she married Joseph BONNEVILLE, son of Jean Baptiste BONNEVILLE & Marguerite CHATEL, in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
34 iv. Henriettev. Francois. Born in 1832. Francois died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 15 Feb 1834; he was 2. Buried on 17 Feb 1834 in St . Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
vi. Josephte. Born on 28 Dec 1832 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Regis LeBlanc;Josephte Lemayvii. Eugenie. Born on 23 Dec 1834 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Alexis Leblanc; Olivette Montpetitviii. Elisabeth. Born on 1 Jan 1837 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Elisabeth died in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada, on 17 Sep 1863; she was 26. Buried on 19 Sep 1863 in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
ix. Andelie. Born on 12 Apr 1839 in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-? Lemai; ? Juisx. Olivier. Born on 30 Jul 1842 in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada. Olivier died in Lachine Canal, on 20 Aug 1862; he was 20. Buried on 26 Aug 1862 in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Olivier Caza; Marguerite Prieur35 xi. Eugenie (1844-)
xii. Celenee. Born on 17 Jan 1846 in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Francois Rinville; Catherine Lemai36 xiii. Odile (1848-)
xiv. Anathalie. Born on 10 Mar 1849 in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Michael Curran; Henriette Prieurxv. Louise. Born on 3 Aug 1850 in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada. Louise died in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada, on 19 Feb 1851; she was <1. Buried on 21 Feb 1851 in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Louis Chretien; Elisabeth Prieurxvi. Joseph Philippe. Born on 26 Apr 1866 in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Damase Quesnel; Louise Genier
339. Philippe Prieur
33. Philippe PRIEUR (Philippe5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Philippe died in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada, on 3 Feb 1869; he was 45. Buried on 4 Feb 1869 in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1824.
Witnesses-Philippe Prieur, father; Jean Baptiste Quesnel, father
On 17 Aug 1846 when Philippe was 22, he married Marguerite QUESNEL, daughter of Jean Baptiste QUESNEL & Marguerite DUNN, in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada. Born on 23 Nov 1827.
Birth: 1901 Census of Huntingdon; she was living with her son Alexandre and was age 74
They had the following children:
i. Elisabeth (Eloise) (1849-<1873)
ii. Francois Xavier (1849-)
iii. Virginie (1852-)
iv. Sophronie (Seraphine) (1854-)
v. Telesphore (1856-1875)
vi. Elisabeth (1858-1859)
vii. M. Melanie (Lumine) (1860-)
viii. Philippe (1865-1868)
ix. Alexander (1869-)34. Henriette PRIEUR (Philippe5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1).
Witnesses-Philippe Prieur, father; Antoine Dupuis, father
On 3 Jul 1849 Henriette married Augustin DUPUIS, son of Antoine DUPUIS & Marguerite LEBLANC, in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
They had the following children:
i. Christiana
ii. Georgiana
iii. Oscar
iv. M. Eleonore Alvina
v. Alexandra
vi. Marie Louise
vii. Henriette35. Eugenie PRIEUR (Philippe5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 28 May 1844 in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Quesnel; Julie Jasmin Witnesses-Michael Senecal, father; Philippe Prieur, father
On 9 Dec 1862 when Eugenie was 18, she married Philias SENECAL, son of Michel SENECAL & Julie BENOIT, in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.
They had one child:
i. M. Delima (1863-)36. Odile PRIEUR (Philippe5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1848.
Witnesses-Francois Lemay; Olivier Lortie
On 2 Jan 1868 when Odile was 20, she married Angus MCKILLOP, son of Donald MCKILLOP (Mar 1780-30 Aug 1868) & Christine MCMASTER, in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada.They had the following children:
i. Christiana Emilia Odile (1869-)
ii. Angus (1871-)
iii. Donald (1873-)
iv. Mary Elizabeth (1876-)