224. Jean-Baptiste Sedilot dit Montreuil
Served in the Rovolutionary War as a private under George Rogers Clark between 1778-1784.
Quotes from Harry Montroy's e-mail of March 16, 2004
"George, the oldest son, was a
steady hand with his mom and dad's new wife. So George with his three half
brothers, WILLIAM, Michel and Joesph went to fetch my Henry in Canada. Did
Marie pregnant or withe baby Henry take off during this family upset? JB
leading a fast llife dies young and Julie was sorting out the will.
Although being poor JB had some land, the French homestead grant from the
British, and the Revolutionary war he fell heir to. Little Henry had to
probate the will for said share.""Revolutionary War veteran.
Old Old JB was one of the two guides for Rogers overland trip to Vincennes.
One of the first French Voyagers to be credited.""Our French Blood could not speak English or read or write in French until 1900s Knowing this one our
early Jean Baptiste was a Captain of the Militia. Reading or writing was not a requirement then and conversational speech in your native ton tongue was the norm for the peasants.
This dude was the absolute ruler of CIVIL and military for the area . His bride was also a
Captain of the Militia daugther and they all signed the paper with XXXXXX
!!!!!!!"The marriage was on 3 February 1749, and their first child was a boy named JEAN BAPTISTE born 24 November 1749.
Jean Baptiste Montreuil (Jean Baptiste 1749) was our ancestor who returned to Kaskaskia to claim land and past homesteads. This was an impossible task for the now government officials, military leaders and wealthy merchants there began at French Kaskaskia a social life. On a modest scale, the gay life of the royal court at Versailles made Kaskaskia referred to as the “Versailles of the West”. This captured the fancy of the King of France, Louis XV, who in the year 1741 presented Kaskaskia with a church bell which is still preserved today. The bell has the inscription in French translated (For the Church of the Illinois, with the compliments of the King from beyond the sea).
Prior to the Revolutionary War, several countries and all of the colonies, including the Commonwealth of Virginia, were actively acquiring land. The Commonwealth of Virginia tried to establish control of lands to the west of them moving into the heartland in order to facilitate the growth of the commonwealth. Following is a quote from Dr. Belesi’s book: “The British made a few attempts to stop the French from reclaiming the Ohio Valley.” One of these attempts failed and further damaged the already poor relationship between the French and the British. Dr. Belesi goes on further to state: “Lieutenant-Colonel George Washington was leading a sizable detachment sent to challenge the French claims when it came into contact with ‘a small party of thirty-three men led by Ensign Joseph Coulon de Villiers de Jumonville (sent) to meet them and deliver a summons requiring them to retire or suffer the consequences’.” Washington surrounded the French party and fired the first shot May 28, 1754 of a war yet to be declared. Washington was immediately besieged by a superior French force. “Washington was forced to surrender and accept a return to Virginia with his disarmed troops, after having signed a document acknowledging responsibility for ‘l’assasinat’ (the murder)”. Washington had killed ten Frenchmen including Ensign Jumonville. Virginia then commissioned George Rogers Clark as Lieutenant Colonel. On July 4, 1778 Clark and 175 men came to Kaskaskia to feel out the French for their support of the Revolutionary War. Clark’s men, along with French helpers, went to all villages and Fort de Chartre gaining their support. Three soldiers along with French guides went to Peoria to gain more support. The British were trying to reinforce Vincennes, and it was essential for Clark to move, attack and take Vincennes. Clark received financial help and two guides to take his 172 men overland to Vincennes. This trip on foot could be made in three days. One of the guides was Jean Baptiste Montreuil from the original family of Kaskaskia along with Alexis Doza. Jean Baptiste 1749 was one of the first French veterans to receive his grant of 400 acres. “The French were bewildered by the Americans’ behavior, their disregard for the law and lack of respect for authority.” The low-life men of Clark’s force slaughtered milk cattle, considered Catholics their enemy, and the only good Indian was a dead one.
Francoise Thaumer dit La Source
Jean Baptiste SEDILOT MONTREUIL, a native of Montreal married Francoise THAUMUR LA SOURCE at Notre Dame d’Immaculee Conceptione de Kaskaskias in Illinois on 6 May 1782.
Witness at her funeral were, Jean Baptiste Montreuil her son, Jean Baptiste Thoumur her brother, Antoine la Briere, Royal and others. Buried by Barutel.
276. Marie Adelaide Montroy Montreuil
Marie Adelaide's sponsors were Joseph Derousse-St-Pierre and Genevieve Baptiste-Charleville.
Michel's sponsors were Joseph Calais and Adelaide Thaumur-La Source.
Jean Baptiste 1749 first wife, Francoise Thaumur La Source died leaving Jean Baptiste with five grown children, and he married Madeleine DESAGNE, the widow of Louis Alaire 9 May 1812. Madeleine, being wealthy from the estate of her first husband, made Jean Baptiste sign a pre-nuptial agreement. Her wealth would remain with her children upon her death.
Not all was lost, however. Jean Baptiste’s fifth child, Francois marries Francine, the daughter of Madeleine DeSagne, and Jean Baptiste Montreuil 1783 marries Marie Barbe DANIS on 21 February 1803 in the Notre Dame de Imaculee Conceptione at Kaskaskia. Their first child was a son born on 27 March 1804. Jean Baptiste 1804 was the last of the namesakes.
248. Francois Prieur
JEAN FRANCOIS on christening film
ANTOINE FRANCOIS on Loiselle Marriage Index
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Sedilot; Marie Louise St. Onge (Jean Baptiste Sedilot was his grandfather)
Marriage: Drouin
Witnesses-Gabriel Martin; Joseph Legros; Francois Ravary; Francois PrieurThey had the following children:
13 i. Genevieve
14 ii. Philippe
iii. Francois. Born on 28 Jun 1781 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Francois died in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada. Buried on 8 Oct 1786 in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Gabriel Maretin; Marianne Parent
--Invalid Dates
Death: No Date Giveniv. Marie Louise. Born on 19 Mar 1783 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Witnesses-Joseph Andre dit St. Amand (father in law); Francois Prieur
Sponsors-Pierre Rouselle/ ? LabersodiereOn 10 Nov 1806 when Marie Louise was 23, she married Joseph MONTPETIT, in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
v. Charlotte. Born on 4 Feb 1785 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Charlotte died in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada, on 11 Feb 1785; she was <1. Buried on 13 Feb 1785 in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Joseph Prieur; Charlotte Leroux15 vi. Antoine (1786-1871)
16 vii. Regis (Francois) (1790-1850)
viii. Monique. Born on 21 Apr 1792 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres) Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Monique died in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 23 Aug 1792; she was <1. Buried on 24 Aug 1792 in St. Jospeh (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Philippe Denys; Marguerite Bironix. Joseph. Born on 20 Dec 1794 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Joseph died in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Buried on 10 Jul 1826 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Joseph Parent; Marie Magdeline Archambault17 x. Francois (Xavier) (1797-1851)
18 xi. Jean Baptiste (1799-)
xii. Elizabeth. Born on 29 Jul 1801 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Elizabeth died in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 16 Sep 1801; she was <1. Buried on 17 Sep 1801 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, CAnada.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Prieur; Amable Quennevillexiii. Angelique. Born on 6 Apr 1803 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Angelique died in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, CAnada, on 1 Jul 1803; she was <1. Buried on 2 Jul 1803 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, CAnada.
Sponsors-Joseph Montpetit; Marguerite Biron
294. Genevieve Prieur
Witnesses-Joseph Montpetit, father; Hyacinthe Montpetit, uncle
On 20 Nov 1815 Genevieve married Francois MONTPETIT, son of Joseph MONTPETIT & Josephte ST. AMANT, in St. Joseph, Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1790. Francois died in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 23 Jan 1860; he was 70.
They had the following children:
i. Olivette.
On 15 Nov 1836 Olivette married Alexis LEBLANC, son of Regis LEBLANC & Josephete LEMAY, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
ii. Catherine.
Witnesses-Antoine Ladnque-father; Francois Montpetit-father;On 28 May 1838 Catherine married Charles RODRIGUE, son of Sebastian Antoine RODRIGUE & Josephe DAOUST, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
iii. Francois.
Witnesses-Francois Montpetit; Joseph Montpetit-father and brother; Joseph Veronneau; Francois Prieur-father and friendOn 12 Aug 1850 Francois married Elisabeth VERONNEAU, daughter of Joseph VERONNEAU & Marguerite BISSONNET, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
iv. Lucie. Born on 27 Nov 1833 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Lucie died in St, Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 13 Aug 1834; she was <1. Buried on 13 Aug 1834 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
v. Odile.
Witnesses-Charles Chasle,brother;Francois Groulx,brother in law;Francois Montpetit,father;Alexander Leblanc,brother in lawOn 16 Nov 1857 Odile married Jean Baptiste CHASLE, son of Charles CHASLE (-bef
296. Antoine Prieur
Present at burial-Francois Xavier Prieur of Ottawa; Hilaire Prieur of St. Thomas, Ontario Baptismal Sponsors-Antoine Prieur; Marguerite Ravary
Marriage: Drouin
Marriage Witnesses-Amable Leger; Genevieve Prieur; Joseph Montpetit; Pierre Denys; Etienne LeblancOn 2 Oct 1809 when Antoine was 23, he married Archange DENIS, daughter of Pierre DENIS & Susanne LAROCQUE, in St. Joseph, Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1790.
They had the following children:
37 i. Antoine (1810-)
38 ii. Francois (1812-)
39 iii. Francois Xavier (Patriot) (1814-1891)
40 iv. Louise (1816-1853)
41 v. Jean Baptiste (1818-)
42 vi. Christine (Justine) (1820-1852)
43 vii. Hyacinthe (~1824-~1920)
44 viii. Hermine (1831-)
45 ix. Joseph (1833-)
x. Hilaire (Twin). Born on 15 Jun 1835 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Education: Wed Edmire.
Twin to Leon
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Valois, Louise Prieurxi. Leon (Twin). Born on 15 Jun 1835 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Leon died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 2 Dec 1835; he was <1. Buried on 2 Dec 1835 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
46 xii. Benjamin (1827-)On 10 Feb 1840 when Francois was 27, he first married Marie Louise THIVIERGE, daughter of Charles THIVIERGE & Elisabeth GRAVELLE, in Ste. Anne de Bout de L'lle,Bellevue,Montreal,Quebec,Canada. Born in 1813.
They had the following children:
i. M. Philomena (1840-1842)
ii. Francois Xavier (1842-1926)
iii. Charles Ephrem (1843-1921)
iv. Justine Louise (1845-1850)
v. Joseph Emmanual (1847-)
vi. Napoleon (1849-1850)
vii. Napoleon (1850-)
viii. Jean Baptiste (1852-1859)
ix. Marie Elisabeth (1856-)
x. Moise Polycarpe (1858-1859)
xi. Julie (1857-1859)On 19 Jan 1863 when Francois was 50, he second married Josephte GREFF, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
. Francois Xavier (Patriot) PRIEUR (Antoine5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 8 May 1814 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Francois Xavier (Patriot) died in 1891; he was 76. Occupation: Merchant.
Sponsors-Catherine Beaurgard; Savois Signer
Marriage: Drouin
Not Sure::1871 Census: Ontario: Carleton Co: Ottawa City-St. George’s Ward; District 77, SubDistrict C; Division page 2, Page 42: Prieur, Francois X; age 56; Born: Quebec; Religion: RC; Occupation: civil service
On 17 Jul 1849 when Francois Xavier (Patriot) was 35, he married Marguerite Aurelie NEVEU, daughter of Gidion NEVEU & Marguerite ROUSSEL, in St. Martine,Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1828.
They had the following children:
i. Darcy (1851-)
ii. Arthur (1854-)
iii. Perrini (1858-)
iv. Louis Treffle Eugene (1859-)
v. Ubaldine
vi. Jean Charles
vii. Marc Antoine
viii. Ubald40. Louise PRIEUR (Antoine5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 3 May 1816 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Louise died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 28 Oct 1853; she was 37. Buried on 30 Oct 1853 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Marriage witnesses-Jean Baptiste Valois, father;Benjamin Valois, brother; Antoine Prieur,father; Philippe Prieur, uncle
Sponsors-Joseph Proust; Marguerite RochonOn 10 Feb 1835 when Louise was 18, she married Jean Baptiste VALOIS, son of Jean Baptiste VALOIS & Judith LEROUX, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
They had the following children:
i. Jean Baptiste (1838-)
ii. Francois Xavier (1840-)
iii. Marie (1842-1847)
iv. Justine (1846-)
v. Francois Xavier (1849-)
vi. Marie Exilda (1850-1856)
vii. Marie Flavie (1853-1856)
viii. Delina41. Jean Baptiste PRIEUR (Antoine5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 15 Jul 1818 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Occupation: Journalier (journeyman-day Laborer).
Marriages: Drouin
Witnesses-Marriage #1-Antoine Prieur,father;Francois Prieur,brother;Louis Boaucheau,brother in law;Regis Prieur,brother in law;Antoine Prieur,brother in law
Sponsors-Antoine Lalonde; Marie Rose RangeOn 7 Jan 1840 when Jean Baptiste was 21, he first married Marguerite (Monique) THIVIERGE, daughter of Charles THIVIERGE & Elisabeth GRAVELLE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
They had the following children:
i. Marie Flavie Philomena (1840-)
ii. Jean Baptiste (1842-)
iii. Marie Eloise (1843-)
iv. Flore
v. JosephineOn 31 Aug 1874 when Jean Baptiste was 56, he second married Anne PARANT, in St. Joseph, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Widow of Joseph GIROUX
They had one child:
i. Josephine. Christine (Justine) PRIEUR (Antoine5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1820. Christine (Justine) died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 10 Oct 1852; she was 32. Buried on 12 Oct 1852 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Marriage Witnesses-Luc Brunet, father; Touissaint Gareau, Brother-in-Law; Antoine Prieur, father; Francois Prieur, brother
On 10 Nov 1845 when Christine (Justine) was 25, she married Luc BRUNET, son of Luc BRUNET & Christine DAMOUR, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1784. Luc died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 4 Jun 1854; he was 70.
Witnesses-2nd Marriage--Joseph Quesnella, brother; Hyacinthe Lefebvre, Damase Leduc, Michel Leduc
They had one child:
i. Liose43. Hyacinthe PRIEUR (Antoine5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born abt 1824 in Quebec, Canada.9 Hyacinthe died in Ontario, Canada, abt 1920; he was 96.9
Witnesses-Marriage #2-Antoine Prieur; Amable Martin; Julian Brisbois; Joseph Martin
Marriages: Drouin
Witnesses-Marriage #1-Etienne Marleau, Joseph & Hubert Pharand (Uncles); Octave Pharand (brother), Pierre Boileau; Joseph Girard91861 census shows Hyacinth living in Longueuil. Source: Cadastres abreges des seigneuries du District de Montreal (Vol 3) No 92 Nouvelle Longueuil Quebec, 1863 Vol/Pg 22
9Hyacinthe and Marguerite Prieur, with sons Peter (April, 1855) and Francis are carried in the 1871 census of Sonberg Twp, Lambton County (Sonberg is sometimes carried in Kent County). The Begin family are neighbors.
9Census 1876 Williamsburgh Twp. Ontario ???
9My grandfather, Michael Edward Prieur, told of visiting his grandfather. Michael and his father, Peter, went by horse and wagon. Michael told of sparks from the chimney starting a fire in the roof of the house and of 80+ year old Hyacinthe running up and down the ladder carrying water to put out the fire.
On 3 Sep 1848 when Hyacinthe was 24, he first married Marguerite PHARAND, daughter of Ignace PHARAND & Marguerite WATIER, in St. Ignace, Coteau du Lac, Soulanges, Quebec, Canasa.
9Information about this marriage was found at www.gendex.com: 80801. Information provided by Gene Stark.
They had the following children:
i. Meletine (Domithilde) (1849-1850)
ii. Marie Melitime (1851-1853)On 27 Nov 1854 when Hyacinthe was 30, he second married Marguerite MARTIN Dite Saint Jean, daughter of Amable MARTIN & Marguerite SAUVE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1831.9
They had the following children:
i. Marie Melitime (1865-)
ii. Pierre (Peter)9 (1855-1912)
iii. John9 (1861-)
iv. Joseph9 (1863-)
v. Samuel9. Hermine PRIEUR (Antoine5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1831.
Witnesses-Julien Lortie, Antoine Prieur, father; Hyacinthe Prieur, Antoine Prieur, brother
On 22 Sep 1856 when Hermine was 25, she married Francois LORTIE, son of Pierre LORTIE (-bef 1850) & Sophie HOULE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1830.
They had the following children:
i. Rebecca (1858-)
ii. Marie Louise Ernestine (1860-)
iii. Napoleon (1860-)
iv. Francois Xavier Napoleon (1858-)
v. Charles Louis Flormis (1862-)
vi. Eugene Alfred (1863-)
vii. Marie Antoinette Alphonsine (1865-)
viii. Marie Rose Augustine (1872-)45. Joseph PRIEUR (Antoine5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1833.
Marriage: Drouin
On 23 Feb 1852 when Joseph was 19, he married Josephine HEBERT, daughter of Jacques HEBERT & Josephte PRIMEAU, in St. Martine, Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1827.
They had the following children:
i. Jean Baptiste
ii. Eugene
iii. Ubald
iv. Josephus (1856-)
v. Francois Xavier (1858-)
vi. Marie Louise Ernestine (1860-)46. Benjamin PRIEUR (Antoine5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1827. Occupation: Merchant-St. Isaie-Beauharnois Co.-1871; Carpenter In 1881. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Marriage: Drouin
Living in Valleyfield in 1887
Witnesses-Benjamin Laboursoliere; Louis Depocas1881 Canadian Census: age 54; carpenter, French; Catholic; living in Valleyfield, Beauharnois, Quebec (also LDS film 1375843 district 73; subdistrict A; division 56; household 282)
On 23 Feb 1852 when Benjamin was 25, he married Louise DEPOCAS, daughter of Louis DEPOCAS (-bef 1852) & Francoise BETUE, in St. Ignace, Coteau du Lac, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1829.
1881 Canadian Census: born in 1829
They had the following children:
i. Alphonse
ii. Charles Augusten (1861-)
Regis (Francois) PRIEUR (Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1790. Regis (Francois) died in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 7 Mar 1850; he was 60. Buried on 9 Mar 1850 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Witnesses-Pierre Prieur,uncle; Jean Baptiste Prieur, uncle; Francois Prieur, brother; Amable Lemai,father; Etienne Leblanc, brother in law; Antoine Dupuis, witness
On 29 Jan 1816 when Regis (Francois) was 26, he married Elisabeth LEMAI, daughter of Amable LEMAY & Josephte LEFEBVRE, in St. Joseph, Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Lived with Joachim & Hermine Lalonde in 1861 census
They had the following children:
47 i. Francois Regis (1816-1861)
ii. Elisabeth. Born on 8 Nov 1816 in St. Joseph, Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Etienne Leblanc; Marie Prieur
1871 Census; Ontario: County, Hastings Co.; Trenton Village; District 60, subdistrict B, Page 88: Age 55, Birthplace, Quebec; Religion, RC; Occupation: cook48 iii. Marie Eugenie (1818-)
iv. Josephte. Born on 25 Jun 1819 in St. Joseph, Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Philippe Prieur; Therese Biponettev. Henriette. Born on 25 Apr 1824 in St. Joseph, Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Olivier Prieur; Angelique Cuillerier49 vi. Clemence Ephigenie (1826-)
vii. Catherine. Born on 30 Sep 1828 in St. Joseph, Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Witnesses-Augustin Lalonde (brother); William Dorquet (cousin); Francois Regis Prieur (brother)On 9 Aug 1852 when Catherine was 23, she married Supplien LALONDE, son of Augustin LALONDE (-bef 1852) & Angelique LORTIE, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in Normandy, France.
50 viii. Hermine (1830-)
ix. Marie Odille. Born on 1 Jan 1835 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Francois Prieur, Eugenie Prieur
1871 Census: Ontario: Hastings Co.,: Trenton Village: District 60., sudistrict B: Page 88: Prieur, Odelia, age 36, Born: Quebec; Religion: RC; Occupation: housekeeper. Francois Regis PRIEUR (Regis (Francois)5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1816. Francois Regis died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 12 Jun 1861; he was 45. Buried on 14 Jun 1861 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Marriage: Drouin
Witnesses- Jean Baptiste Denys; Etienne Marleau; William Duchett; Pierre Thivierge?On 18 Jul 1853 when Francois Regis was 37, he married Martine DENIS, daughter of Jean Baptiste DENIS & Anastasie SICARD, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
They had the following children:
i. Marie Malvina (1854-1854)
ii. Dasilva (1855-1859)
iii. Francois Regis (1854-)
iv. George Etienne Aslard (1858-)
v. Marie Malvina (1861-1861)48. Marie Eugenie PRIEUR (Regis (Francois)5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 9 Nov 1818 in St. Joseph, Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Francois Montpetit; Genevieve Prieur
Witnesses-Regis Prieur,father; Etienne Marleau,father; Jean Baptiste Marleau,brother; Joseph Marleau,uncle
On 9 Feb 1836 when Marie Eugenie was 17, she married Etienne MARLEAU, son of Etienne MARLEAU & Elisabeth LALONDE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
They had the following children:
i. Marie Adeline (1840-)
ii. Marie Cleophie (1842-)
iii. Elizabeth (1843-)
iv. Arthur (1849-)
v. James Donald (1850-)
vi. Agnes (1851-1856)
vii. Antoine (1853-)
viii. Marie Corinne (1855-1855)
ix. Chrysologne (1857-1858)
x. Etienne Theophile (1858-)49. Clemence Ephigenie PRIEUR (Regis (Francois)5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 22 Apr 1826 in St. Joseph, Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Marriage witnesses-William & Stephen Duchett, father & brother; Regis Prieur, father; Roger Duchett, friend
On 22 Aug 1848 when Clemence Ephigenie was 22, she married William DUCHETT, son of William DUCHETT & Monique CHEVRIER, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
They had the following children:
i. William Joseph (1849-)
ii. Marie Meletime (Malvina) (1853-)
iii. Joseph Stephen (1855-)
iv. Alfred (1857-)
v. George Edward (1859-1859)
vi. Marie Louise Eugenie (1860-)
vii. Edmund (1863-)
viii. Marie Hermine Alisie (1865-1865)
ix. Marie Lydia Alice (1867-)
x. Marie Louise Bertha (-1869)50. Hermine PRIEUR (Regis (Francois)5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1830. Education: "Rehabilitation du Mariage" 13 Apr 1853. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Witnesses-Guillaume Mitchell (uncle); Gaspard Benoit; William Duchett; Andrew Jaiks (brother-in-law)
On 5 Apr 1853 when Hermine was 23, she married Joachim LALONDE, son of Jean Baptiste LALONDE & Angelique LEFEBVRE (-bef 1853), in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Candad. Born in 1830.
They had the following children:
i. Malvina (1854-)
ii. Marie Corinne (1856-)
iii. Louise (1858-)
iv. Alfred (1860-)
v. Eva
vi. Georges (1861-1863)
vii. Marie Hermine (1864-)
viii. Marie Louise (1867-)
ix. Georges Edouard (1870-1870)
. Francois (Xavier) PRIEUR (Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 31 Jan 1797 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Francois (Xavier) died in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 12 Jun 1851; he was 54. Buried on 14 Jun 1851 in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Marriage: Drouin says date is 17 Aug 1812
Witnesses-Jean Baptiste Veronneau; Pierre Prieur; Domonique Lortie
Sponsors-Philippe Baugis; Marie Magdeline ArchambaultOn 29 Sep 1812 when Francois (Xavier) was 15, he married Josephte MONTPETIT, daughter of Joseph MONTPETIT & Josephte ST. AMANT, in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
They had the following children:
i. Francois. Born on 16 Jun 1813 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Francois died in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 28 Jun 1813; he was <1. Buried on 30 Jun 1813 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Joseph Montpetit; Louise Prieur51 ii. Hyacinthe (1815-<1881)
iii. Marie Josephte. Born on 20 Jul 1816 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, CCanada.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Lalonde; Catherine Montpetit52 iv. Francois (1818-)
53 v. Olivette (-1845)
54 vi. Olivier Francois (1824-)
vii. Marie Emmelie. Born on 1 Oct 1826 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
viii. Cleophie. Born on 20 Oct 1830 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Cleophie died in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 5 Aug 1856; she was 25. Buried on 7 Aug 1856 in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
ix. Jean. Born on 5 Sep 1833 in Coteau Du Lac, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Jean died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 18 Jul 1834; he was <1. Buried on 18 Jul 1834 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Jean Lauzon; Emmilie Lalonde
55 x. Moyse (1828-)
xi. Emilie. Born on 27 Jun 1843 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Francois Giroux;Marie Josephte Montpetit (grandmother)51. Hyacinthe PRIEUR (Francois (Xavier)5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 9 Jan 1815 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Hyacinthe died bef 1881; he was 65. Occupation: Pilot (Guide). Religion: Roman Catholic.
Marriage: Drouin
Witnesses-Joseph Lalonde; Domonique Lortie
Living in St. Zotique in 1875 Sponsors-Francois Montpetit; Genevieve PrieurOn 13 Nov 1841 when Hyacinthe was 26, he married Adelaide (Adele) GABRILLON, daughter of Charles GABRILLON & Eugenie PARANT, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1815.
1881 Canadian Census: born 1815; widow; French; Catholic; living in Ste Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada (also LDS film 1375843 district 74; subdistrict C; division 30; household 150)
This census shows that she is living alone next door to Pierre/ Mathilda and family.They had the following children:
i. Emiline (1843-)
ii. Pierre (1844-)
iii. Catherine (1847-)
iv. Marie Hermine (1848-)
v. Henriette Cleophie (1850-1850)
vi. Marie Rose (1851-)
vii. Rose Ermandine (1853-1876)
viii. Melitime (1854-)
ix. Miranda (1860-)52. Francois PRIEUR (Francois (Xavier)5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 19 Aug 1818 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Occupation: Cultivator (Farmer).
Marriage: Drouin
Witnesses-Olivier Bray; Jean Baptiste Prieur
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Montpetit; Therese Montpetit1881 Canadian Census: age 65, bourgeois, widowed, living in St. Polycarpe.
On 2 Feb 1841 when Francois was 22, he first married Emilie Cerilline (Cesarine) VERONNEAU, daughter of Joseph VERONNEAU & Marguerite BISSONNET, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1822. Emilie Cerilline (Cesarine) died in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 16 Jun 1874; she was 52.
They had the following children:
i. Adeline (1841-)
ii. Joseph (1842-1843)
iii. Antoine (Francois) (1844-1845)
iv. Marie Melitime (1846-)
v. Marie Odille (1848-)
vi. Edward (1852-)
vii. Cesarine (Suzanne) (1849-1927)
viii. Hermine Cleophie (1854-1854)
ix. Francois Xavier Damien (1855-)
x. Marie Louise (1857-1859)
xi. Joseph Napoleon (1859-1871)
xii. Joseph (1863-)
xiii. Jean Baptiste Olivier (1865-1871)On 23 Apr 1878 when Francois was 59, he second married Louise MOQUIN, in St. Jacques, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
53. Olivette PRIEUR (Francois (Xavier)5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Olivette died on 7 Jan 1845 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Buried on 7 Jan 1845 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Witnesses-Jean Olivier Giroux-father; Joseph Giroux,uncle; Francois Bray; Francois Houle. Marriage "Rehabilitation"-6 May 1840
On 8 Jan 1839 Olivette married Pierre GIROUX, son of Jean Olivier GIROUX & Catherine MONTPETIT, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Witnesses-Marriage #2-Jean Olivier Giroux;Francois Prieur;William Duchett, Francois Giroux
They had the following children:
i. Marie Adeline (1839-)
ii. Pierre (1841-)
iii. Procule Pipane (1844-)54. Olivier Francois PRIEUR (Francois (Xavier)5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 1 Aug 1824 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Occupation: Squire Marchand (Merchant).
Witnesses-William Duchett;Francois Prieur;Stephen Duchett;Moyse Prieur Sponsors-Olivier Bray; Therese Montpetit
1881 Canadian Census: age 56; French; Catholic; merchant of Ste. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec (also LDS film 1375843 district 74; subdistrict C; household 1; page 4)
On 21 Jun 1852 when Olivier Francois was 27, he married Maria Henriette LEBLANC, daughter of Etienne LEBLANC & Eugenie LEMAY, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1825.
1881 Canadian Census: birth 1825
They had the following children:
i. Olivier Francois Damien (1853-)
ii. Marie Corine (1854-1855)
iii. Marie Henriette Virginia (1856-1857)iv. Joseph Alfred (1858-)
v. Marie Eugenie Ernestine (1859-1860)
vi. Napoleon Alphonse (1861-)
vii. Etienne Trefle (1863-)55. Moyse PRIEUR (Francois (Xavier)5, Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1828. Occupation: Cultivator (Farmer) Voyageur In 1857 ? Pilot In 1881. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Witnesses-Francois Prieur,brother;William Hare,uncle;Seraphine Sauve, friend
1881 Canadian Census: gives birthyear as 1831; age 50; pilot; French; Catholic; living in Ste. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada (also LDS film 1375843 district 74; subdistrict C; household 17; page 84
On 3 Feb 1857 when Moyse was 29, he married Elizabeth CLARK, daughter of William CLARK & Marie Therese CLEMENT (-bef 1857), in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1834.
1881 Canadian Census: born in 1834; wife of MoiseThey had the following children:
i. Marie Elizabeth Elmire (1857-)
ii. Francois (1858-)
iii. Elisabeth Albina (1859-)
iv. Marie Henriette Ernestine (1860-1862)
v. Elizabeth (1863-1864)
vi. Marie Melitime (Velina) (1865-)
vii. Marie Louise (1868-)
viii. Marie Georgiana (1870-)
ix. Joseph Damien (1875-)
299. Jean Baptiste Prieur
Jean Baptiste PRIEUR (Francois (Jean-Francois) (Antoine-Francois)4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1).5 Born on 12 Apr 1799 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Marriages: Drouin
This is the original person to be called Prieur Gogo. The family moved to Osnabruck Township, Ontario in the early 1840’s and changed their name to Gogo or GeauGeau. They were farmers and died in Stormont County, Ontario.
On 14 Feb 1825 when Jean Baptiste was 25, he first married Francoise FOURNIER5, daughter of Joseph FOURNIER (-bef 1861) & Catherine CHANTELOIS (abt 1771-11 Nov 1862), in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born on 8 Aug 1799 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Francoise died bef 1830; she was 30.5
Sponsors-Antoine Prieur; Magdeleine L'Eveque
They had one child:
i. Henriette. Born on 7 Jun 1825 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.On 17 Aug 1830 when Jean Baptiste was 31, he second married Suzanne LEGER (PRIEUR), daughter of Charles LEGER (PRIEUR) & Angela LALONDE, in St. Polycarpe, St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Suzanne died in Stormont Co., Ontario, Canada.1
1Says she is from the same Leger family as the later Cardinal Leger and the late general of Canada, Jules Leger.
They had the following children:
i. Olive. Born on 21 Nov 1833 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Joseph Martin;Olive Prieurii. Olivier. Born in 1834. Olivier died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 12 Feb 1838; he was 4. Buried on 12 Feb 1838 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
iii. Antoine. Born on 23 Aug 1835 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Antoine died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 8 Jul 1837; he was 1. Buried on 10 Jul 1837 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Marie Amable St.Amant; Jean ?iv. Henriette. Born in 1837. Henriette died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 10 Feb 1838; she was 1. Buried on 10 Feb 1838 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
v. Pierre (Twin). Born on 31 Jan 1840 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Pierre died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 20 Jul 1840; he was <1. Buried on 20 Jul 1840 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Education: Twin To Elizabeth.
Sponsors-Pierre Giroux;Angelique Legervi. Elizabeth (Twin). Born on 31 Jan 1840 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Education: Twin To Pierre.
Sponsors-Pierre Giroux;Angelique Leger