Descendants of Louis Sedilot


111. Michel Sedilot dit Montreuil

Michel, seventh child of Jean Baptiste 1689, married Marie-Josephe LALONDE, granddaughter of Jean Baptiste Lalonde, Captain of the Militia. The Captain of the Militia in the French governing authority was the absolute ruler in Civil and Military actions. There were no assemblymen or group advisors - just the Captain of the Militia and his subordinates. This collection of relatives and friends at a wedding would be considered upper class for the times, but they could neither read nor write their spoken language. “They declared not knowing how to sign” and used their MARK for the wedding contract.

228. Marie Anne Rose Sedilot dit Montreuil

Marie Anne passed a marriage contract before the notary Vuatier at Soulanges on 24 Jan 1780.

114. Marie Elizabeth Isabelle Sedilot dit Montreuil

Witnesses-to marriage was Antoine Baron, Edouard LaLonde, Francois Lalonde, Jean Baptiste Sedilot, Jacques Milot, Pierre Decies dit Picard.

249. Pierre Antoine Prieur

Baptismal Sponsors-Antoine LeClaire; Mariannne Gignas
Marriage Witnesses-Francois Prieur; Jean Baptiste Asselin; Antoine Chaunteloy
Marriage: Drouin

On 19 Feb 1787 when Pierre Antoine was 28, he married Marie Therese CHANTELOIS, daughter of Antoine CHANTELOIS (-bef Oct 1798) & Ursule POIRIER (17 Sep 1746-bef 1798), in St. Joseph De Soulanges, Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born on 26 Aug 1772 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.5

Dit name-LATLILUPPE Various spellings of last name-CHAUNTELOY, CHANTELOY, CHATELOIS Sponsors-Jacque Chenuit(Chauret?); Marie Therese Deloges

1851 St. Polycarpe census p. 44, beg on line 23: Tarese Chateauroy, age 83, Widow, is listed as living with Francois and Angel Chorette Prieur. Says she is from Ile Perrault

They had the following children:
i. Therese5. Born on 23 Feb 1789 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.5 Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Francois Ravary; Marianne Parent
Witnesses-Francois Marie; Judith/Francois Perillard; Augustin Lalonde; Augustin Mulotte; Antoine Prieur; Marie Joseph Prieur Witnesses-Marriage #2-Pierre Marier, brother; Alexis Legros, Therese Charlebois, mother; Marie Joseph & Julie Prieur

On 13 Nov 1809 when Therese was 20, she first married Jean Baptiste PERILLARD5, son of Jean Baptiste PERILLARD & Therese SMITH, in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.5
On 17 Jan 1814 when Therese was 24, she second married Michel MARIER, son of Michel MARIER & Marguerite BISSONNETTE, in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
ii. Marie Charles5. Born on 22 Apr 1791 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.5 Marie Charles died in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 27 Feb 1792; she was <1. Buried on 28 Feb 1792 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Pierre Parent; Marie Charles Samson

19 iii. Josephte (1794-)

iv. Catherine5. Born on 22 Aug 1795 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.5 Catherine died in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada, on 30 Aug 1795; she was <1. Buried on 31 Aug 1795 in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada.5 Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Francois Prieur; Marie Louise Ravary

v. Antoine. Born on 25 Jan 1797 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Antoine died in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada, on 21 Apr 1797; he was <1. Buried on 22 Apr 1797 in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Nicolas Chaussee; Catherine Chateloi

20 vi. Julie (1798-)
vii. Elisabeth (Twin). Born on 25 Apr 1800 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Elisabeth died in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada, on 11 May 1800; she was <1. Buried on 12 May 1800 in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Twin to Antoine Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Latiluppe; Charlotte Denys

viii. Antoine (Twin). Born on 25 Apr 1800 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Antoine died in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada, on 9 May 1800; he was <1. Buried on 10 May 1800 in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Twin to Elisabeth Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Poirer; Amable Chateloi

21 ix. Francois (1801-1875)
x. Antoine. Born on 11 Apr 1801 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Antoine died in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada, on 20 Jun 1801; he was <1. Buried on 21 Jun 1801 in Les Cedres, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Ascelin; Josephte Veronneau

xi. Joseph. Born on 4 Apr 1802 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Joseph Fournier; Josephte Cedilot

xii. Monique. Born on 22 Apr 1804 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Monique died in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 21 May 1804; she was <1. Buried on 28 May 1804 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Pierre Pigeon; Therese Prieur

xiii. Joseph. Born on 17 May 1805 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Joseph Chateloy dit Latiluppe; Marie Archange Picard

xiv. Antoine. Born on 25 Mar 1807 in Les Cedres, Soulanages, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Jean Giroux; Marie Anne Leroux

xv. Antoine. Born on 10 May 1810 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Antoine died in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 22 Jun 1810; he was <1. Buried on 23 Jun 1810 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec,. Canada.
Sponsors-Pierre Prieur; Marie Chaunteloy

. Josephte PRIEUR (Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 29 Mar 1794 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

Sponsors-Joseph Parent; Marie Louise Ravary
Witnesses-Michel Marie,brother in law; Jean Baptiste Bereau; Joseph Lefevre, tutor; Louis Goulet and Joseph Charbonneau, brothers in law; Augustin Lalonde, witness

On 8 Jan 1816 when Josephte was 21, she married Alixis LEGROS, son of Joseph LEGROS (10 Jul 1739-) & Josephte LALONDE, in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

They had one child:
i. Julie. Born on 18 Feb 1817 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors--Amable Martin; Julie Prieur

Christen Exceeded Limit: St. Joseph De Soulanges, Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada
. Julie PRIEUR (Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 21 Apr 1798 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Sponsors-Consigne Daicre; Marguerite Biron

On 4 Feb 1820 when Julie was 21, she married Amable MARTIN, son of Francois MARTIN & Angelique Amable RODRIGUE (19 Feb 1762-), in St . Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1793. Amable died in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 2 Jun 1860; he was 67.

They had the following children:
i. Francois5.
Names from unknown at

On 26 Jan 1852 Francois married Adeline DICAIRE5, daughter of Pierre DICAIRE & Josephete CLEMENT, in St. Polycarpe, St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.5

Names, parents, marriage from Mariages du Comte de Soulanges, page 284
56 ii. Jean Baptiste
. Francois PRIEUR (Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1801. Francois died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 8 May 1875; he was 74. Buried on 10 May 1875 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Occupation: Cultivator (Farmer). Education: Dit St. Leger. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Marriage: Drouin

6The 1851 St. Polycarpe census P 44 beginning on line 23:
Prieur, Francois age 48
Chorette, Angel age 37
Chateux, Tarese age 83
Prieur, Armine age 16
Prieur, Angel age 13
Prieur, Oliver age 17
Prieur, Joseph age 12
Prieur, Dominique age 9
Prieur, Gilbert age 5
Prieur, Joachim age 4
Prieur, Darite age 2
Prieur, Julien age 1

On 17 May 1830 when Francois was 29, he married Angela CHAURET, daughter of Francois CHAURET (12 Oct 1775-) & Genevieve VALLEE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec. Born in 1814. Angela died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 13 Mar 1899; she was 85.


Alpena Directory: 1889-1890: Prieur, Caroline (wid Francis), bds 310 S 5th; 1893-1894: Angeline (wid Frank), bds 310 S 5th
Death: FHC film #0230797, Alpena Co. Deaths-1871-1914; Mar 13, 1899, Angelina Prieur,female, age 85 years, died in Alpena of old age; father Francis, mother unk; b Canada

They had the following children:
i. Anomine. Anomine died on 22 Nov 1833 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Francois Gopelin, Felix Glaude
57 ii. Francois (Olivier) (1835-1914)
iii. Angela. Born in 1835 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Angela died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 20 Sep 1837; she was 2. Buried on 22 Sep 1837 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
58 iv. Hermine (1837-1909)
59 v. Angele (1839-1861)
60 vi. Joseph Alfred (1841-1893)
61 vii. Domonique (1843-1926)
viii. Gilbert. Born in 1846 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Gilbert died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 20 Aug 1856; he was 10. Buried on 21 Aug 1856 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
62 ix. Joseph Joachim (1847-)
63 x. Dosithie (Richard) (1849-1933)
64 xi. Julien (1850-)
65 xii. Felix (1853-1927)
xiii. Marie Caroline. Born on 17 Apr 1855 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.
Sponsors-Benjamin Theoret\Adele Trotier

xiv. George. George died in 1876 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.

1881 Canadian Census: born in 1834; wife of Moise

They had the following children:
i. Marie Elizabeth Elmire (1857-)
ii. Francois (1858-)
iii. Elisabeth Albina (1859-)
iv. Marie Henriette Ernestine (1860-1862)
v. Elizabeth (1863-1864)
vi. Marie Melitime (Velina) (1865-)
vii. Marie Louise (1868-)
viii. Marie Georgiana (1870-)
ix. Joseph Damien (1875-)

. Francois (Olivier) PRIEUR (Francois5, Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 1 Jan 1835 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Francois (Olivier) died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 21 Jan 1914; he was 79. Buried in 1914 in Bloc 10,Lot 27W, Holy Cross, Alpena, Alpena, Michigan. Occupation: Navigator---Immigrated In 1880. Education: Lived At 310 5th, Alpena. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Baptism Sponsors-Julienne Choret, Felix Glaude

Marriage: Drouin

Alpena City Directory: 1887-88: worked as a laborer and lived e s 5th 1n of Tawas. 1889-90 worked as a laborer and lived at 310 S. 5th. 1891-92: worked as an engineer and lived at 310 S 5th. 1891-92: works as a lumberman, boards at 310 S 5th; 1893-1894: laborer, res 310 S. 5th; 1895-1896: engineer, res 310 S 5th; 1897-1898: engr, res 310 S 5th

Death: Alpena Co. Death records: Book B page 202, #15; age 80 years, 21 days, of paralysis; born Canada to Frank Prieur and Agnes Shorette; engineer--also in Book C, page 2, #15
Death: FHC film #0230797 Alpena Co Death Records 1871-1914: Jan 21, 1914, Oliver Prieur, age 80 yr 21 da, of paralysis, b Canada, Engineer; Parents: Frank/Agnes Shorette

On 15 Feb 1858 when Francois (Olivier) was 23, he married Mathilde BELAIRE, daughter of Pierre BELAIRE & Claire LEDUC, in St. Anicet, Huntingdon, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1838. Mathilde died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 27 May 1881; she was 43.

Burial Place Exceeded Limit: Bloc 10,Lot 27W,Grave A, Holy Cross, Alpena, Alpena, Michigan

They had the following children:

i. Olivier (1859-1922)
ii. Marie (1861-1862)
iii. Telesphore (1864-1951)
iv. Marie Exilda (Azelda) (1866-1871)
v. Marie Hermine (Almena) (1868-)
vi. Joseph Emmanuel (Josephus) (1870-)
vii. Mary (1868-1938)
viii. Georgiana (1873-)
ix. Atuna (Marie Antonia) (1874-1970)
x. Clara (1878-1917)

58. Hermine PRIEUR (Francois5, Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 18 Feb 1837 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Hermine died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 8 Mar 1909; she was 72. Buried on 10 Mar 1909 in Holy Cross Cemetery Sexton Records, Alpena, Alpena Co., MI. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Sponsors-Lucee Choret, Rene Auille
Witnesses-Guillaume Seguin;Hyacinthe Leger;Francois Prieur;Herbert Leroux

Lorrie LaCross notes: death date

10Burial: Location: SA: Seguin, Hermine; age 73 yrs; w/o Sylvain; nee Prieur; b Canada

On 4 Feb 1856 when Hermine was 18, she married Sylvais SEGUIN, son of Guillaume SEGUIN & Josephte CADIERERE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born abt 1827. Sylvais died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 19 Apr 1881; he was 54.

10Location: SB: Seguin, Sylvan; age 54 years; h/o Armenia Prieur; s/o Dion & Catherine

They had the following children:
i. Sylvain (1859-)
ii. Joseph (1861-1863)
iii. Telesphore (1863-)
iv. Alexandre (1865-)
v. Theodine

. Angele PRIEUR (Francois5, Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 12 Jun 1839 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Angele died in St. Polycarpe, Quebec, on 3 Mar 1861; she was 21. Buried on 4 Mar 1861 in St. Polycarpe, Quebec. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Sponsors-Olivier Chorette/Genevieve Guitteral. Witnesses-Hyacinthe Glaude,father; Joseph Glaude,brother; Francois Prieur,father

On 13 Aug 1860 when Angele was 21, she married Isidore GLAUDE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

Widower of Angele Belaire Married Justine Groux (Pierre/Rosalie Martin) 25 Aug 1862 at St. Polycarpe after death of Angele Prieur

They had one child:
i. Ermine (1861-1862)

60. Joseph Alfred PRIEUR (Francois5, Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 1 Mar 1841 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Joseph Alfred died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 6 Aug 1893; he was 52. Buried on 8 Aug 1893 in Holy Cross Cemetery Sexton Records, Alpena, Alpena Co., MI. Education: 222 Tawas St. Alpena, Mi. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Emigrated-1879 to Alpena, MI.
Lived at 222 Tawas St. Alpena, MI

Alpena Directory:1883-1884: laborer Minor Lumber Co. res s s Tawas 3 e of 5th; 1887-88: worked as a laborer for Minor Lumber Co., lived on s s Tawas 2 w of 4th. 1889-90 worked for Minor Lumnber Co as a laborer and lived at 222 Tawas. 1891-92: worked as a mill hand for Minor Lumber Co., lived at 222 Tawas; 1893-1894: Prieur, Joseph died Aug 6 1893

Sponsors-Luce Rachel Belanger; no godfather listed
Witnesses-Marriage #1-Francis Kernella;Mary Walsh
Witnesses-Marriage #2-Felix Compeau; Lucie Aquin
Witnesses-Marriage #3-Moise Brisebois; Bellynette Williams???

10Location: SA; age 52 years, born Canada

Abt 1866 when Joseph Alfred was 24, he first married Sophia DECAIRE, daughter of Antoine DECAIRE & Solastique SOQUIATREAU. Born on 21 Feb 1844 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Sophia died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 14 Feb 1907; she was 62.

Several records from Wolf Island, Ontario give her maiden name as Dit Coeur

Alpena Directory: 1893-1894: Prieur, Sophie (wid Joseph). res 222 Tawas; 1895-1896; Sophia (wid Joseph), res 222 Tawas; 1897-1898: Sophia (wid Joseph), res 222 Tawas; 1899-1900 Sophia (wid Joseph) 222 Tawas; 1901-1902: Sophia (wid Joseph) res 222 Tawas

Death: FHC film #0230797Alpena Co Deaths 1871-1914: Feb 14, 1907 Sophia Prieur, age 59 y 4m 11d, of pneumonia, b Canada, Parents: Anthony Decaire/Angelina Tietlof (different age than birth date and grave marker indicate)

Gravemarker says born 25 Sep 1847
2nd Husband-Diasaint Lalonde age 56, wed 19 Apr 1905, saloon keeper of Black River, MI. He born in Canada. Witness-Marie L. Prieur. His Parents-Joseph/Elisabeth Lalonde. Her parents-Phillip/mother unk.???

10Location Under Prieur: Block 15, Lot 2E; wife of Joseph (I have photo-HGengler note)
10Location Under Lalonde: SA; age 60 yrs; w/o Hyacinth; nee Dicaire; b. Canada

They had the following children:
i. Marie Donalda (1867-)
ii. Georgiana (1869-)
iii. Telesphore (1870-)
iv. Joseph P (1871-)
v. Mary (Marie Louise) (1873-)
vi. Ameliana (Minnie)(Hermine) (1876-1910)
vii. Angeline (1878-1943)
viii. John B (1881-1942)
ix. Adelard (1883-)
x. George (1887-)

On 23 Jan 1861 when Joseph Alfred was 19, he second married Ozilia (Henridee) GLAUDE, daughter of Isidore GLAUDE & Catherine ROULEAU, in Sacred Heart, Marysville, Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada. Born in 1845. Ozilia (Henridee) died on 29 Sep 1863; she was 18.

They had one child:
i. Joseph (1862-1863)

On 1 Feb 1864 when Joseph Alfred was 22, he third married Emilie AQUIN, daughter of Jean Baptiste AQUIN & Rose, in Sacred Heart, Marysville, Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada. Born in 1847 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Emilie died in Garden Island, Ontario, Canada, on 9 Jun 1865; she was 18.

They had one child:
i. Joseph (1864-1866)

61. Domonique PRIEUR (Francois5, Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 19 Mar 1843 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Domonique died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 28 Oct 1926; he was 83. Buried on 30 Oct 1926 in Bloc 18, Lot 2, Holy Cross, Alpena, Michigan. Occupation: Farmer. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Sponsors-Domonique Langin/Delphine Pigeon
Emigrated-1860-Alpena, MI

Alpena Directory: 1883-1884: edger Minor Lumber Co., s s Tawas 2 w of 4th; 1887-88: worked as a sawyer at Minor Lumber Co; lived at s s Tawas 1 w of 4th. 1889-90: worked as an edger at Monor Lumber Co.; lived at 633 S 9th. 1891-92 worked as an edger at Minor Lumber Co (no address given); 1920 bds 1209 W. Chisholm

Lived on the French Road, Alpena
Last name spelled PRIOR in Alpena
Purchased lot 22W in Block 10,Holy Cross Cemetery, Alpena, MI but didn't use

Death: Alpena Co. Death Records: Book C, page 284, #161: Dommick Prieur, widowed, age 83 years, 8 months, 8 days, of auricular fibrillation. Born in Canada to Frank Prieur and Angeline Carter. Retired farmer.

Tombstone: Holy Cross Cemetery, Alpena, MI: On same stone with his wife, and son and daughter-in-law, Edward and Margaret; Domonic Mar. 20, 1843 Oct. 28, 1926 (I have photo of tombstone. HGengler note)

Domonique married Catherine MAINVILLE, daughter of John MAINVILLE (1840-24 Feb 1907) & Philomena PARENT (1837-27 Dec 1930). Born on 7 Feb 1854 in Marine City, St. Clair, Michigan. Catherine died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 17 Feb 1916; she was 62.

Death: Alpena Co. Death Records: Book C, page 46, #26, Feb 17, 1916 age 62 years, 10 days of peritonitis; born Mich to John Mainville and Philomena Parent

Tombstone: Holy Cross Cemetery, Alpena, MI: On same stone as husband, son Edward and his wife, Margaret

Catherine Feb 7, 1854 Feb. 17, 1916 (I have photo of stone. HGengler note)

Lorrie LaCross info: says born same date in Quebec

They had the following children:
i. Julius (1876-1941)
ii. Oliver (1878-)
iii. Margaret Mary (Mary Alvinia) (1879-1933)
iv. Selina (1880-)
v. Edward J. (1882-1957)
vi. Alfred (Twin) (1883-)
vii. William (Twin) (1883-)
viii. Francois (Frank) (1885-)

62. Joseph Joachim PRIEUR (Francois5, Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 15 Mar 1847 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Sponsors-Joachim Martin/Adelaide Charet

Joseph Joachim married Arsina BELANGER.

They had one child:
i. Joachim

63. Dosithie (Richard) PRIEUR (Francois5, Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 18 Feb 1849 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Dosithie (Richard) died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 22 Feb 1933; he was 84. Buried on 25 Feb 1933 in Bloc 14, Lot 17, Holy Cross, Alpena, Michigan. Religion: Roman Catholic. Occupation: 323 S 5th.

Sponsors-Zepherim Dicaire and Camilla Lortie
Witnesses-Francois Bisonette; Mary Balbyette

From Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church, Wolfe Island, Ontario:
On 27th November 1871, I the undersigned priest, married Dositee Prieur son of Francois Prieur and Angele Charette and Oseline Grenier daughter of Olivier Grenier and Angelique Bissonette. Witnesses were Francois Bissonette and Mary Balayette. Edward Murray, priest (I have a copy of this record in my files--Helen Gengler)

Alpena City Directory:1883-1884: laborer W H & E K Potter; 1887-88: worked as a fireman for E K Potter & Sons, lived on the n w cor 5th and Tawas. 1889-90 lived and worked as a grocer at 323 S 5th; 1891-92 using the name Richard worked for E K Potter and Sons as a fireman and lived at 323 S 5th; 1893-1894: Prieur, Richard, fireman, res 323 S 5th; 1897-1898: engr, res 323 S 5th; 1899-1900 Docithe, lab res 323 S. 5th; 1901-1902: Richard, lab, res 323 S 5th; 1920 Richard (Arzeline), res 323 S 5th

1900 Census, Alpena City
Prieur, Richard, head, born Feb 1850, daylaborer
Orzeline, wife, born Mar 1850
Mary, daughter, born Jan 1877
Andrew, son, born Dec 1880, daylaborer
Oliver, son born Nov 1884, daylaborer

On 27 Nov 1871 when Dosithie (Richard) was 22, he married Orzeline GRENIER, daughter of Jean Olivier GRENIER (12 Nov 1821-) & Angelique BISSONNETTE, in Sacred Heart, Marysville, Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada. Born on 4 Mar 1851 in St. Clet, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Orzeline died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 4 Nov 1925; she was 74.11

Baptism Sponsors-Richard Methot; Desanges Grenier

Death: Alpena Co. Death Records: Book C, page 262, #170, age 74 of chronic heart disease, born in Canada to Oliver Grenier and unknown

Tombstone from Holy Cross Cemetery, Alpena,MI: Mother Orzeline Prieur 1851 - 1925 (I have photo of tombstone.HGengler note)

They had the following children:
i. Donelda (1873-1937)
ii. Dosithie (1875-1875)
iii. Alexina (Rozena) (1877-1920)
iv. Joseph Dosithe' (1878-)
v. Andrew (1880-1965)
vi. Maude (1880-1952)
vii. Oliver N (1884-1960)
viii. Angelina (1885-)
ix. Marie Rose (1886-)
x. Joseph Alfred (1887-)
xi. Angelina (Marie Rose Nina) (1893-1893)

64. Julien PRIEUR (Francois5, Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 23 Oct 1850 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Education: Aka Peter In Alpena. Religion: Roman Catholic. Occupation: Voyageur.

Marriage: Drouin
Sponsors-Olivier Charet\Zoe Rouleau
Witnesses-Dosithie Prieur (brother); Charles Fontaine (father)

1881 Canadian Census: age 25; married; voyageur; living in St. Polycarpe (also LDS film 1375843 district 90; subdistrict A; division 3; household 19; page 83

12Had a farm near North Lancaster, Ontario

On 11 Jan 1876 when Julien was 25, he married Zephirine FONTAINE, daughter of Charles FONTAINE & Zephirine DICAIRE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born on 15 May 1856.13

They had the following children:
i. Julien (1877-)
ii. Joseph Dosithee13 (1879-1885)
iii. Maria13 (1880-1885)
iv. Charles (1882-1918)
v. Corrine13 (1884-1885)
vi. Dosithe13 (1886-1891)
vii. Maria (1888-)
viii. Rose Andrianna13 (1889-)
ix. Joseph Raoul13 (1891-1891)
x. Marie Eugenie (Virginie)13 (1892-1894)
xi. Joseph Henri13 (1894-)
xii. Joseph Ulric13 (1896-)
xiii. Alfred (1896-1978)

65. Felix PRIEUR (Francois5, Pierre Antoine4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 21 Aug 1853 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Felix died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 13 Apr 1927; he was 73. Buried on 15 Apr 1927 in Bloc 29, Lot 29, Holy Cross, Alpena, Michigan. Occupation: Dock Laborer-lived At 904 9th, Alpena. Education: Aka Phillip In Alpena. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Sponsors-Felix Glaude/Hermine Prieur Immigrated-1880 Lived at 902 9th St., Alpena
Also spelled last name PRIOR sometimes.

Alpena Directory:1883-1884: laborer, res n s Sable bet 4th and 5th; 1887-88: worked as a laborer, lived at Farmer near Fairground; 1920 Felix F (Jennie) lab, res 902 S 9th

1910 Census: Alpena, Alpena Bo., MI: Sheet: 10B:
Prieur, Felix, head, age 56, laborer, docks, married 28 years, lives on Ninth St.
Jennie, wife, age 54, 4 children, 4 living
Frank, son, age 26, single, laborer, odd jobs
Eva, daughter, age 24, single
Grace, daughter, age 5

1920 Census, Alpena #143/150; 902 Ninth St:
Prieur, Felix, head owns home free, age 67, laborer ?
Julian, wife, age 54
Arthur, son, age 32, picker seed house

Death: Alpena Co. Death Records: Book C page 296, #52, died Apr 13, 1927, age 73 years, 7 mo, 22da, chronic disease of the heart. Born in Canada to Frank Prieur and Adeline Shartte. Laborer.
Buried in Block 29,Lot 28-Holy Cross Cemetery, Alpena MI

Abt 1882 when Felix was 28, he first married Jennie LAFOND, daughter of Joseph LAFOND (25 Nov 1828-7 Aug 1913) & Marance POSEY (15 Apr 1842-8 Aug 1918). Born in 1866. Jennie died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 10 Apr 1923; she was 57.

Death: Alpena Co. Death Records: Book C, page 210, #81, age 57 years, 9 months, 4 days, of mortus brightis, housewife born in Canada to Joseph LaFond and Mary Posey

Death: Holy Cross Cemetery Sexton Records, Alpena, MI: page 76; Mrs. Felix Prieur died 10 Apr 1923, buried 13 Apr 1923; Block 29, Lot 28 Her parents are also buried in this plot along with Amanda Prieur who was born in 1829 and died 17 Nov 1947 (don’t know who this is)

Jennie had a watch on a chain which she gave to Eva, mother of Elmer Prieur--per Elmer Prieur

They had the following children:
i. Frank (Phillip) (1883-1976)
ii. Eva (1884-)
iii. Mary Louise (1886-)
iv. Arthur (1887-1967)
v. Dora (1888-)
vi. Grace (1905-)

On 12 Aug 1924 when Felix was 70, he second married Amanda COTE’, daughter of Louis COTE’ & Flora DUGAL, in Ste. Anne, Alpena, Alpena Co., MI. Born on 13 Dec 1864 in Quebec, Canada.10 Amanda died in Alpena, Alpena Co., MI, on 17 Nov 1947; she was 82.10

Lorrie LaCross notes: Amanda’s parents, first husband, birthdate, marriage date to Felix, death date

10Block 29, Lot 28: Prieur, Amanda, 904 S. Ninth, Alpena, MI d 17 Nov 1947, age 83; b 21 Nov 1947; Hunter Funeral Home

253. Marie Angelique Prieur

Sponsors-Jean Ranger; Marie Aurelie Lalonde
Witnesses-Marriage #1-Joseph Lalonde; Charles Metot; Sebastian Rodrigue; Joachim Bisonnet

On 14 Jan 1788 when Marie Angelique was 21, she first married Francois LALONDE, son of Joseph LALONDE & Angelique BRAIS, in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

Marriage - Mariages du Comte de Soulanges, page 214

They had the following children:
22 i. Joseph
23 ii. Eugenie
24 iii. Josephte (~1790-)

On 8 Sep 1835 when Marie Angelique was 68, she second married Charles LEGER, in St. Ignace, Coteau du Lac, Soulanges, Quegec, Canada.

22. Joseph LALONDE (Marie Angelique PRIEUR4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1).

Names from Mariages du Comte de Soulanges, page 328

Joseph married Felicite ST. MARCEL.

They had one child:
66 i. Felicite

23. Eugenie LALONDE (Marie Angelique PRIEUR4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1).7

Eugenie married Francois SAUVE (LAPLANTE)7.

They had one child:
67 i. Seraphin Francois

24. Josephte LALONDE (Marie Angelique PRIEUR4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1).8 Born abt 1790.8

Josephte married Godfrey LATREILLE (LALANDE)8. Born abt 1790.8

They had the following children:
i. Francois8. Born abt 1820.8
Francois married Ellenore VAILLENCOURT8.
ii. Joseph8.
Joseph married Marie Louise GEMME8.
68 iii. Jean Baptiste (~1820-)
69 iv. Godfrey (~1830-)

66. Felicite LALONDE (Joseph5, Marie Angelique PRIEUR4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1).

On 10 Feb 1849 Felicite married Jean Baptiste PIGEON, son of Jean Baptiste PIGEON (-bef 1861) & Marguerite LEBLANC, in St. Polycarpe, St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.5

Marriage and parents Mariages du Comte de Soulanges, page 328

They had the following children:
i. Jean Baptiste5
ii. Pierre5
iii. Marie Felicite5

67. Seraphin Francois SAUVE (Eugenie LALONDE5, Marie Angelique PRIEUR4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1).7

Seraphin Francois married Agnes CLARKE7.

Possibly a daughter of William (#451)and Marie Therese Clement Clark

They had one child:
i. Marie Sarah7 (~1857-)

68. Jean Baptiste LATREILLE (LALANDE) (Josephte LALONDE5, Marie Angelique PRIEUR4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1).8 Born abt 1820.8

Jean Baptiste married Marguerite ANDRE8. Born abt 1830.

They had the following children:
i. Malvina8
ii. Godfrey8 (1858-1945)

69. Godfrey LATREILLE (LALANDE) (Josephte LALONDE5, Marie Angelique PRIEUR4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1).8 Born abt 1830.8

Godfrey first married Eualie LALONDE8. Born abt 1830.8

They had one child:
i. Damian8 (~1860-)

Godfrey second married Zaide DAOST8.

They had the following children:
i. Gilbert8
ii. Phydime

70. Olivier (Jean-Baptiste) PRIEUR (Jean Baptiste5, Jean Baptiste4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1826. Occupation: Hotelier (Innkeeper)-Merchant, St. Zotique.

Witnesses-Jean Baptiste Prieur; Pierre Prieur; Olivier Bray; Francois Bray;

1881 Canadian Census: age 54; French; Catholic; hotellier; living in Coteau Landing, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada (also LDS film 1375843 district 74, subdistrict D; division 2; household 8)

On 15 Jan 1850 when Olivier (Jean-Baptiste) was 24, he married Ephigenie BRAIS, daughter of Olivier BRAIS & Therese MONTPETIT, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1829.

1881 Canadian Census: Born in 1829; living in Coteau Landing, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada with husband and children

They had the following children:
i. Olivier Damien (1849-)

ii. Joseph Elie (1853-)
iii. Charles Edward (1857-)
iv. Marie Odile (1862-1876)
v. Marie Rose Hermine (1864-)
vi. Marie Louise Rose (1866-)
vii. Georges Henri (1868-1868)
viii. Catherine Josephine (1868-)

254. Jean Baptiste Prieur

Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Quenneville; Susanne Prieur
Marriage: Drouin
Witnesses-Pierre Amable Prieur; Hyacinthe Montpetit, uncle; Jean Baptiste Veronneau; Francois Veronneau, cousin

On 12 Nov 1798 when Jean Baptiste was 29, he married Josephte VERONNEAU, daughter of Jean Baptiste VERONNEAU & Susanne MONTPETIT, in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1777. Josephte died in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 9 Mar 1854; she was 77.

They had the following children:
i. Josephte. Born on 7 Sep 1799 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Josephte died in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 28 Jul 1800; she was <1. Buried on 29 Jul 1800 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Veronneau; Marie Louise Ravary

ii. Barbe. Born in 1800. Barbe died in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 23 Oct 1818; she was 18. Buried on 24 Oct 1818 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
iii. Marguerite. Born on 16 Jul 1801 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Etienne Veronneau; Marie Louise Veronneau

25 iv. Jean Baptiste (1803-1874)
v. Jean Olivier (Francois Olivier). Born on 29 Sep 1804 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Jean Olivier (Francois Olivier) died in Les Cedres,

Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 20 Aug 1826; he was 21. Buried on 20 Aug 1826 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Montpetit; Angelique Lalonde

26 vi. Marie Henriette (1807-1848)
vii. Francois De Paul. Born on 9 Apr 1809 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Jean Giroux; Marie Anne Leroux

Jean Baptiste PRIEUR (Jean Baptiste4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 24 Feb 1803 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Jean Baptiste died in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 19 Mar 1874; he was 71. Buried on 21 Mar 1874 in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Occupation: Cultivator (Farmer). Education: Owned Wooden House-1861 Census.
Sponsors-Alexis Bercier; Therese Veronneau

Marriage: Drouin

On 12 Jan 1824 when Jean Baptiste was 20, he married Josephte LALONDE, daughter of Francois LALONDE & Rose DENIS, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1806.

They had the following children:
70 i. Olivier (Jean-Baptiste) (1826-)
71 ii. Pierre Isaie (1828-)
iii. Hyacinthe. Born on 9 Jul 1829 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
72 iv. Joseph (1833-)
73 v. Zoe (1834-)
vi. Josephte Philomene. Born on 8 May 1837 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Witnesses-Charles Pharand,father;Jean Baptiste Beaucherre,friend;Jean Baptiste Prieur,father;Joseph Prieur,brother
Sponsors-Pierre Lalonde;Marie___Lalonde

On 28 Nov 1854 when Josephte Philomene was 17, she married Charles PHARAND, son of Charles PHARAND & Charlotte LEGAULT, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
vii. Alexandre Silvestre. Born on 9 May 1838 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Alexandre Silvestre died in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 20 Feb 1860; he was 21. Buried on 21 Feb 1860 in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Alexandre Bouthier;Marie Henriette Prieur

viii. George. Born on 20 Nov 1839 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. George died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 31 Jul 1840; he was <1.
Sponsors-Sylvain Lalonde; George Bouthier

ix. George. Born on 12 Dec 1840 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. George died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 13 Oct 1841; he was <1. Buried on 22 Oct 1841 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Domonique Lortie; Theotiste Lalonde

x. Zerron Isidore. Born on 9 Mar 1842 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Zerron Isidore died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 14 Aug 1842; he was <1. Buried on 15 Aug 1842 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Olivier Prieur;Zelie Boutier
74 xi. Jean Baptiste (1835-1868)
75 xii. Anicet (Jean Baptiste) (1843-)
xiii. Georges Edward. Born on 20 Apr 1846 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Georges Edward died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 12 Sep 1846; he was <1. Buried on 13 Sep 1846 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-John Fullum; Zoe Bouthier

xiv. Marie Zelie. Born on 9 Jul 1847 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Witnesses-Etienne Leblanc,father;Pierre Prieur,brother;Jean Baptiste Prieur,father;Joseph Prieur,brother
Sponsors-Olivier Prieur; Zoe Prieur

On 21 Sep 1864 when Marie Zelie was 17, she married Etienne LEBLANC, son of Etienne LEBLANC & Henriette GOURDEAU, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
76 xv. Elie Baptiste (1844-)
xvi. Josephte Emilie. Born on 14 Oct 1849 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Josephte Emilie died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 19 May 1849; she was <1. Buried on 20 May 1849 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Hyacinthe Asselin; Angelique Denis

Marie Henriette PRIEUR (Jean Baptiste4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 20 Jan 1807 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Marie Henriette died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 21 Apr 1848; she was 41. Buried on 24 Apr 1848 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

Sponsors-Joseph Cuillierier; Elizabeth Veronneau
Witnesses-Marriage #1-Jean Baptiste Prieur; George Fullum; John Fullum,brother; Julie Berlinquet; Dewey? Fullum

On 12 Jan 1824 when Marie Henriette was 16, she first married Alexander ROUTHIER, son of Jean Marie ROUTHIER & Magdeline LEFEBVRE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

On 22 May 1843 when Marie Henriette was 36, she second married Jean Baptiste FULLUM, son of George FULLUM (-bef 1843) & Catherine COUTURIER (-bef 1843), in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

They had one child:
i. Rose Eveline (Melina). Born on 2 Mar 1848 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Rose Eveline (Melina) died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 7 May 1848; she was <1. Buried on 8 May 1848 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-John Birmingham; Abigail Church

Pierre Isaie PRIEUR (Jean Baptiste5, Jean Baptiste4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1828 in Quebec, Canada. Occupation: Cultivator (Farmer).

Witnesses-Jean Baptiste Prieur;Etienne Leblanc;William Duchett

1881 Quebec Census: Pierre Isaie born <1827> in Quebec; age 54; Occupation: Cultivateur; Married; Ethnic Origin: French; Religion: Catholic (also on LDS film 1375843--district 74, sub-district A; division 1; page 9; household number 34)

On 15 Jan 1850 when Pierre Isaie was 22, he married Eugenie (Odile) LEBLANC, daughter of Etienne LEBLANC & Henriette GOURDEAU, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1834.

Birthdate from 1881 Canadian census.

They had the following children:
i. Elie Alexander (Baptiste) (1850-)
ii. Marie Henriette Emma (Eva) (1852-)
iii. Marie Elisabeth (1854-)
iv. Marie Exelire (1858-)
v. Etienne (1856-)
vi. Azelie Hermine (1859-)
vii. Marie Louise Georgiana (1860-1860)
viii. Marie Louise (1861-)
ix. Marie Petronella (1863-1863)
x. Joseph Alfred (1864-)
xi. Marie Rose Odile (1867-)
xii. Olivier Oscar (1869-1869)
xiii. Pierre Isaie Oscar (1870-)
xiv. Hermine Edwidge (1874-1874)
xv. Avelina Josephine (1878-)

72. Joseph PRIEUR (Jean Baptiste5, Jean Baptiste4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 1 Jan 1833 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Occupation: Cultivator (Farmer); Driver. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Sponsors-Joseph Veronneau;Marguerite Biponet
Marriage: Drouin
Witnesses-Jean Baptiste Prieur,father;Olivier Prieur,brother;Etienne Leblanc,father;Etienne Leblanc,brother

1881 Canadian Census: age 47; driver; French; Catholic; lives in St. Louis Ward, Montreal, Montreal, Canada (also LDS film 1375853 district 90; subdistrict E; division 2; household 38; page 192

On 17 Oct 1854 when Joseph was 21, he married Henriette LEBLANC, daughter of Etienne LEBLANC & Henriette GOURDEAU, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1840.

1881 Canadian Census gives her birthyear as 1836; living in St. Louis Ward, Montreal, Canada with her husband and children

They had the following children:
i. Etienne Eucher (Leutger) (1855-)
ii. Evangeline (1856-)
iii. Ada (1857-)
iv. Pierre Etienne (1858-)
v. Laura (1861-)
vi. Joseph Dasilva (1862-1862)
vii. Louise (1863-)
viii. Marie Josephine (1865-)
ix. Oscar (1867-)
x. Marie Malvina (1869-1869)
xi. Joseph Alfred (1870-1870)
xii. Marie Albertine (1871-)

73. Zoe PRIEUR (Jean Baptiste5, Jean Baptiste4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 30 Jul 1834 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

Sponsors-Francois Lalonde;Julie Giroux

Witnesses-Richard Smith; Isaie Prieur(brother-in-law); Jean Baptiste Prieur

On 25 Jul 1854 when Zoe was 19, she married Robert SMITH, son of Richard SMITH & Ann CARY, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

They had the following children:
i. William
ii. Robert5
iii. Henry
iv. John (-1874)
v. Marie Wilmina (1874-1875)
vi. Anne Marie (-1874)
vii. Julienne (-1876)

74. Jean Baptiste PRIEUR (Jean Baptiste5, Jean Baptiste4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 25 Nov 1835 in Coteau Du Lac, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Jean Baptiste died in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 7 Aug 1868; he was 32. Buried on 10 Aug 1868 in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

Marriage: Drouin
Witnesses-Jean Baptiste Prieur,father;Joseph Prieur,brother;Jean Baptistse Lalonde,father;Joseph Lalonde,brother
Sponsors-Francois Martin; Henriette Andre

On 5 Oct 1858 when Jean Baptiste was 22, he married Melitime LALONDE, daughter of Jean Baptiste LALONDE & Catherine MONTPETIT, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1842.

They had the following children:
i. Jean Baptiste Fabian (1859-)
ii. Marie Louise (1861-)
iii. Elie Trefle (1863-)
iv. Joseph (1866-)

75. Anicet (Jean Baptiste) PRIEUR (Jean Baptiste5, Jean Baptiste4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 19 Apr 1843 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Occupation: Baker (Merchant/Coteau Landing). Religion: Roman Catholic.

Marriage Witnesses-Jean Baptiste Prieur,father;Olivier Prieur,son in law of Joseph Lalonde,father,Francois Lalonde,brother
Marriage: Drouin
Baptismal Sponsors-Joseph Asselin/ Marie Deschamps

1881 Canadian Census: age 38, Marchand; French; Catholic; living in Coteau Landing, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada (also LDS film 1375843 district 74; subdistrict D; division 10; household 50)

On 26 Jan 1864 when Anicet (Jean Baptiste) was 20, he married Justine LALONDE, daughter of Joseph LALONDE & Josephte LORTIE, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1844.

1881 Canadian Census: Gives birthyear as 1845; living in Coteau Landing, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada with her husband and family

They had the following children:
i. Jean Baptiste Joseph Anicet (1864-)
ii. Marie Louise (1866-)
iii. Joseph Alexander (1868-)
iv. Georgina (1869-)
v. Joseph Anicet (1870-)
vi. Adolphe Arthur (1871-)

vii. Joseph Adolph (1872-)
viii. Oscar (1875-)
ix. Eveline (1877-)
x. Fernando (1881-)

76. Elie Baptiste PRIEUR (Jean Baptiste5, Jean Baptiste4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 24 Sep 1844 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Occupation: Cultivator (Farmer)-Coteau Landing. Religion: Roman Catholic.

Marriage: Drouin
Witnesses-Luc Hyacinthe Masson;Jean Baptiste Prieur
Sponsors-Isaie Prieur; Virginia Bre

1881 Canadian Census: age 36; cultivateur; French; Catholic; living in Coteau Landing, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada (also LDS film 1375843 district 74; subdistrict D; division 11; household 51)

On 24 Jul 1866 when Elie Baptiste was 21, he married Marie Josephine MASSON, daughter of Luc Hyacinthe MASSON & Celenie CECILE, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1844.

1881 Canadian Census: gives birthyear as 1844; living in Coteau Landing, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada with her husband and family

They had the following children:
i. Marie Louise Elodie (1867-)
ii. Marie Louise Celina (1868-)
iii. Adolphe (1870-1871)
iv. Marie Louise Georgina (1870-1871)
v. Georgiana (1871-)
vi. Marie Josephine (1871-)
vii. Lucia Eliana (1872-)
viii. Lucille (1873-)
ix. Marie Elise (1874-)
x. Luc Rosario (1876-)
xi. Napoleon
xii. Olympe (1878-)
xiii. Jean Baptiste (1880-)

77. Damase MARLEAU (Julie PRIEUR5, Pierre Amable4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1835. Occupation: Cultivator (Farmer).

Witnesses-Joseph Marleau;Antoine Prieur;Edward Gamelin;Pierre Giroux

On 29 Jan 1850 when Damase was 15, he married Lucie LORTIE, daughter of Pierre LORTIE (-bef 1850) & Sophie HOULE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

They had the following children:
i. Marie Azilda (1850-)
ii. Delina (1854-1857)
iii. Marie Julie Hermine (1856-1858)
iv. Jean Baptiste (1863-)

256. Pierre Amable Prieur

Witnesses-Francois Prieur; Antoine Prieur; Philippe Ranger, friend; Antoine Dechant, brother in law; Jean Baptiste Ascelin, cousin; Domonique Laboursaudiere, brother

On 21 Nov 1796 when Pierre Amable was 17, he married Julienne LABOURSOLIERE, daughter of Jean Baptiste LABOURSOLIERE & Susanne LAROCQUE, in St . Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

They had the following children:
i. Pierre. Born on 27 Nov 1797 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Pierre died in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 8 May 1798; he was <1. Buried on 9 May 1798 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Prieur; Josephte Veronneau

ii. Alexandre. Born on 15 Mar 1799 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Alexandre died in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 11 Oct 1818; he was 19. Buried on 13 Oct 1818 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Alexander Lalonde; Julie Robert

iii. Julienne. Born on 7 Feb 1801 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Julienne died in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 17 Feb 1801; she was <1. Buried on 18 Feb 1801 in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Asselin; Suzanne Rocbrune

iv. Jean Baptiste. Born on 23 Apr 1802 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Quenneville; Rose Dejarlet

27 v. Julie (1803-)
28 vi. Joseph (1806-)
29 vii. Josephte (Josette) (Marie Joseph) (1809-)
viii. Antoine. Born on 9 Jan 1812 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Antoine died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 2 Aug 1833; he was 21. Buried on 2 Aug 1833 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Witnesses-Amable Lalonde;Joseph Giroux;Michel Leduc;Francois Marleau
Marriage: Drouin
Sponsors-Amable Mulotte; Antoine Bissonnette

On 29 Jan 1833 when Antoine was 21, he married Josephte DAOUST, daughter of Jean Baptiste DAOUST & Josephte LEDUC, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

Witnesses-Marriage #2-Germain Biponet-father;Charles Lalonde;Pierre Andre;Pierre St.Denys
ix. Jean Baptiste. Born on 11 Dec 1814 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Pierre Denys; Marguerite Bissonnett
30 x. Augustin (1818-)
xi. Adelaide. Born on 24 Jun 1819 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Prieur; Domithilde Laboursaudiere

31 xii. Justine (1822-)

. Julie PRIEUR (Pierre Amable4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 12 Jul 1803 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Quenneville; Archange Denys
Witnesses-Pierre Prieur; Alexis Marlo

On 26 Apr 1819 when Julie was 15, she married Joseph MARLEAU, son of Etienne MARLEAU & Elisabeth LEGER, in St. Joseph (Les Cedres), Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1798.

They had the following children:
i. Julie. Born in 1821.
Witnesses-Pierre Leroux; Joseph Giroux;Etienne Marleau-uncle

On 25 Oct 1842 when Julie was 21, she married Joseph MAJOR, son of Etienne MAJOR & Catherine TESSIER, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
ii. Isabelle. Born in 1822.
Witnesses-Etienne Marleau-uncle;Joseph Giroux;Joseph Major of St. Ignace

On 25 Oct 1842 when Isabelle was 20, she married Pierre LEROUX, son of Pierre LEROUX & Marie Amable SEDILOT, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
77 iii. Damase (1835-)
iv. Cleophie. Born in 1830.
Witnesses-Amable St.Jean;Pierre Giroux;Joseph Marleau;Damase Marleau

On 29 Jan 1850 when Cleophie was 20, she married Amable STJEAN, son of Amable ST. JEAN & Marguerite SAUVE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
v. Angele. Born in 1833.
Witnesses-Dosithie Rachon; Prareiffe Baribeau; Joseph Marleau;Etienne Marleau
On 24 Oct 1853 when Angele was 20, she married Zephir RACHON, son of Zephir RACHON (-bef 1853) & Angelique GRATON, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
vi. Jean Baptiste. Born on 8 Sep 1836 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Godfried Lalonde;Josephte Lalonde Witnesses-Joaeph Marleau,father;Damase Marleau,brother;Francois Regis Leblanc,grandfather

On 24 Feb 1857 when Jean Baptiste was 20, he married Catherine LEBLANC, daughter of Joseph LEBLANC (-bef 1857) & Lucie MARTIN (-bef 1857), in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
vii. Eugenie. Born in 1845.
viii. Virginie. Born on 14 Apr 1846 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Anastasie Leclerc;Marie Marleau Witnesses-Joseph Marleau,father;Godfrey Marleau

On 29 Apr 1867 when Virginie was 21, she married Jean CHEVRE, son of Joseph CHEVRE & Marie WILLIAMS, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
ix. Sophia. Born in 1846.
x. Joseph. Born in 1848.
xi. Odile.
Sponsors-Gotfried Marleau,brother;Augustin Prieur

On 23 Nov 1857 Odile married Jean Baptiste CHASLE, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

Joseph PRIEUR (Pierre Amable4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 13 Jun 1806 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Occupation: Cultivator (Farmer).

Sponsors-Joseph Parent; Therese Prieur

Marriage: Drouin

On 2 Oct 1827 when Joseph was 21, he married Angelique (Angele) LALONDE, daughter of Joseph LALONDE & Angela MARTIN, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

They had the following children:
i. Olivier. Born on 23 Jun 1834 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Education: Living With Fr. & Angela In 1851 Census. Religion: 1st Cousin, Once Removed To Fr.
Sponsors-Joseph Giroux;Josephte Prieur

ii. Andre. Born on 10 Jul 1836 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Education: Living With Fr. & Angela In 1851 Census. Religion: 1st Cousin, Once Removed.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Armond;Adelaide Armond

iii. Josephte Philomena. Born on 11 Oct 1838 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Augustin Prieur;Josephte Challe

iv. Amable. Born on 30 Apr 1841 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Amable Lalonde; Catherine Giroux

Josephte (Josette) (Marie Joseph) PRIEUR (Pierre Amable4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 1 Oct 1809 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Education: Loiselle 0543781 Shows Marriage To. Religion: Angele Lalonde 2 Oct 1827 SP ???

Sponsors-Marie Joseph Bissonnette; Francois Prieur

On 18 Feb 1828 when Josephte (Josette) (Marie Joseph) was 18, she married Joseph GIROUX, son of Joseph GIROUX & Esther GRENIER, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

They had the following children:
i. Marie Rose Philomene. Born on 4 Jan 1839 in St.Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Marie Rose Philomene died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 14 Aug 1842; she was 3. Buried on 15 Aug 1842 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Jean Baptiste Prieur;Rose Giroux

ii. Elisabeth. Born on 31 Mar 1841 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Andre Leger;Elizabeth Watier

30. Augustin PRIEUR (Pierre Amable4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 9 Jun 1818 in Les Cedres, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Occupation: Cultivator (Farmer). Education: Living In Longueuil In 1861.

Marriage: Drouin
Witnesses-Pierre Prieur,father;Francois Prieur,son of Pierre;Jean Baptiste Prieur;Francois Prieur,brother of Jean Baptiste
Sponsors-Augustin Brabant; Angelique Parent

On 6 Feb 1838 when Augustin was 19, he married Josephte CHALLE, daughter of Charles CHALLE & Reine VALLEE, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Born in 1818.

They had the following children:
78 i. Clemence (1838-)
ii. Frederic. Born on 22 Dec 1840 in Coteau Du Lac, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Joseph Giroux; Josephte Prieur

iii. Pierre Augustin. Born on 24 Jun 1856 in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Henri Lalonde;Mathilde Paladeau

iv. Marie Cleophie. Born on 14 Jun 1859 in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Education: Shown On 1861 Census.
Sponsors-Francois Xavier Beauchesne;Marie Reine Perillard

31. Justine PRIEUR (Pierre Amable4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born in 1822.

Witnesses-Joseph Asselin;Amable Prieur;Augustin Prieur;Joseph Martin; Francois Bark

On 18 Jul 1843 when Justine was 21, she married Joseph Arsene EKENBERG, son of Francois EKENBERG & Therese GIROUX, in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

They had the following children:
i. Henriette. Born on 12 May 1844 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Julienne Laboursoliere;Casimir Mouret

ii. Marie Hermine. Born on 30 Aug 1848 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Baptiste Lalonde;Marie Bark

iii. Pierre. Born on 15 Sep 1851 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Joseph Valade;Adele Ekenberg

iv. Melitime. Born on 27 Jun 1853 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Joseph Asselin;Marguerite Ekenberg

v. Marie Adele Constantine. Born in 1854. Marie Adele Constantine died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 2 Jul 1855; she was 1. Buried on 3 Jul 1855 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
vi. Sophie. Born on 14 Sep 1857 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Antoine Daust;Sophie Dubruelle

vii. Delphine. Born on 31 Jul 1858 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Delphine died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 13 Aug 1858; she was <1. Buried on 14 Aug 1858 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Education: Twin To Anonime (female-unamed).
Sponsor-Josephte Ekenberg

viii. Anonime. Born on 31 Jul 1858 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Anonime died in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada, on 31 Jul 1858; she was <1. Buried on 2 Aug 1858 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada. Education: Twin To Delphine.
Sponsor Michel Leduc

ix. Polycarpe Alphonse. Born on 26 Sep 1859 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.
Sponsors-Francois St.Denis;Grace Lamaire

78. Clemence PRIEUR (Augustin5, Pierre Amable4, Francois3, Pierre2, Jean Francois1). Born on 26 Dec 1838 in St. Polycarpe, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

Sponsors-Francois Lortie;Justine Prieur
Witnesses-Joseph Marlot,friend;Augustin Prieur,father

On 28 Jan 1856 when Clemence was 17, she married Honore PICHE, in St. Zotique, Soulanges, Quebec, Canada.

They had one child:
i. Joseph Isaie Honore (1862-)