Descendants of Henry Hollingsworth 7th great grandfather


2659. Lee Marvin

Lee was a well known actor and winner of the Academy Award. Lee served with the Marines in the Second World War and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Lee was my father James Thomas Hollingsworth's first cousin. Lee was a wonderful actor and I enjoyed seeing many of his movies.

Lee's grandmother Elizabeth Hollingsworth was my grandfather's sister. (TJH)

2661. Nancy Jane Wood

Nancy is now retired and living in Florida.

2663. June Pearl Hollingsworth

June was my half sister by my father's first wife Emma Hoffman. When I was about eight years old living in Westport, adults would tell me I had a sister by the name of June. I was determine to locate her and was told she was living in Orchard Beach with her mother. I road my bike to Orchard Beach and found her, we talked for a short time and it is hard for me to remember if I ever saw her again. At the time I was seven or eight and I think she must have been at least 4-5 years older than me. I think I did go down there to see her one other time.

I later heard she had married a man with the last name Muhl. There were members of the Muhl family living in Westport at the time and I remember someone in the family owned a local bar called Muhl's. I never heard of her again and have tried on several occasions to locate her. My father and I moved from Westport and I lost touch with most of the people I knew there.

For many years I tried contacting the Muhl family without any luck, then one day I received an email from her son-in-law Michael Kearney who had seen a message I had left on a board. That email led to me getting in contact with June's family. Sadly both June and her mother had passed away but I now have a family.

2664. Thomas James Hollingsworth

Tom is a graduate of Southern High School and Johns Hopkins University with a B.S.
Degree in Business Management. As a young man he shipped out in the Merchant
Marines with the Seaman’s International Union and traveled as far away as Japan
and Korea. Spent two years in the Army and was assigned to the United States Army Advanced Marksmanship Unit at Fort Benning. USA AMU

Before moving to Idaho Tom was very active with the Lacrosse Foundation at Johns
Hopkins and had a history in sports in high school and college. Tom has continued
his service volunteering while in Idaho on various boards such as the North Bench Fire Board,
Sheriff's Dept, Translator and P&Z to name a few.

Dear John & Doug: (dated January 22, 2007)
When I was very, very young I remember my father saying bad things about Catholics (my mother was Catholic and separated from us ), I ask him why he didn't like Catholics and he said they ran us out of Ireland. Obviously he heard this from his father and grandfather.

I had forgotten all about that until after my DNA match proved I was of Irish decent. I had put it completely out of my mind and considered myself English based on the fact that I could only trace my family back to Manchester, England in the mid 1800s.

A couple things have registered with me due to the last couple emails I have received from you.

Number #1: Yes, the Wexford Hollingsworths had always claimed their ancestors came from England.
I always thought it was because they didn't want to be Irish, I think I was wrong about that assumption.

Number #2: Yes, Valentine and probably most of his family went to England to escape the rebellion because of their Quaker influence, plus the will to live. Many of the Jews were smart enough to do the same thing before Hitler came to power.

For the past couple years I too, like Bill in Dublin, have always felt my lineage goes back to Valentine's brother Thomas born abt 1634. I have always felt it was his brother Thomas that signed things along with Valentine, not Valentine's son.

There is a lost generation between Thomas born abt 1634 and Samuel born abt 1710 and John born abt 1713. I believe these two men to be brothers and most likely born in England.

I believe that Samuel 1710 is the sire of the Arklow family and John 1713 is the sire of the Ballycanew family. Bill in Dublin traces his family back to Samuel and I trace my family back to John. If Bill doesn't match with his DNA, that would blow that theory out of the water, but I would bet anything he will match .

I don't think it was a coincidence that my ancestor James (born 1811 Ballycanew) settled in Manchester when he mustered out of the army in 1845, I now feel he had a family history in Machester. That would also coincide with the Wexford families claiming to come from that area of England.

The England theory would certainly explain the absents of any records in any of the counties pertaining to Hollingsworths after the rebellion of the 1640s. And like I said earlier, your last couple emails really seemed to hit home and get me thinking.

Another obvious fact is the Wexford Hollingsworths were not Quakers, they were Church of Ireland, and a good reason why they didn't accompany Valentine to America. They stayed in England for one more generation before going back to Ireland as young men, and this time to the peaceful south, which was to prove not a very good idea in the long run.

Thanks for letting me express my thoughts and taking the time to read them,

Best Regards, Tom (Ballycanew)

In 1993, the Boundary County Idaho Translator board’s chairman, Tom Hollingsworth began a series of negotiations with the Forest Service and US West to construct a state of the art 12X36 communications building. These negotiations lasted over 3 years. The Chairman and Translator Board’s efforts in those long and sometimes frustrating negotiations netted our county an estimated overall saving of $50,000. In addition, all equipment is now housed in a secure and weatherproof modular building with room for future expansion.

History of the Boundary County Translator District

In 1993, the board’s chairman, Tom Hollingsworth began a series of negotiations with the Forest Service and US West to construct a state of the art 12X36 communications building. These negotiations lasted over 3 years. The Chairman and Translator Board’s efforts in those long and sometimes frustrating negotiations netted our county an estimated overall saving of $50,000. In addition, all equipment is now housed in a secure and weatherproof modular building with room for future expansion

Tom Hollingsworth - Candidate for State Representative, District 1 - Bio

Tom and his wife Toni are long time residents of Bonners Ferry. Tom, who is now retired, founded and operated Holly Gardens, a successful retail garden center/tree farm. Tom is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University with a B.S. degree in Business Management. Tom served in the military as a member of the United States Army assigned to Advanced Marksmanship Unit (USA AMU) stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia under command of General Maxwell Taylor’s Continental Army. He has been an ardent volunteer serving in many capacities on boards as chairman and various other positions with the North Bench Fire Association, Neighborhood Watch, Boundary County Translator Board, Youth Advisory Board, Guardianship Board, Friends of the Restorium and is currently the Chairman of Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission. Tom continues to volunteer, serving many years with the Boundary County Sheriff’s Department; two and a half years were spent as a volunteer dispatcher. Tom’s experience as a successful businessman and his dedication to public service for all the people make him uniquely qualified to represent the people of Bonner and Boundary Counties as a State Representative for District 1.

October 9, 2011
Hi Tom ... you are correct ... please remind me if I do not revise it on the next "comprehensive" update.
You and Michael have a genetic distance from Vincent (Valentine lineage 67 marker modal) of 3.
Thanks for catching my error ... and bringing it to my attention!
BTW ...
You and Michael have a genetic distance of 2.
Gerard and Michael have a genetic distance of 4.
Gerard and you have a genetic distance of 6.
I have mixed feeling about Gerard's Yorkshire relationship ... as to whether he shares a common ancestor more recently with the Co. Wexford or the Valentine lineage.
My first thought is that he is probably more closely related to the Co. Wexford line since he appears to share two of the same possible early mutations. On the other hand ... why does the Co. Wexford and the Valentine lines have a closer genetic distance? Coincidence?
We are extending Michael to Y-DNA111 markers in hopes of learning something new. We have already extended Gerard to 111 markers.
We are continuing to research Gerard's Yorkshire lineage. We believe that our researcher has tracked Gerard's lineage back to Calverley, Yorkshire to a Richard Hollingsworth who died there in 1557. Mum is the word for now ... we are still looking at the information to be sure that it is correct.
Kindest Wishes,
John Kindest Regards,

2977. Marc Thomas Hollingsworth

Marc is a graduate of Baltimore County Woodlawn High School and Saint Mary’s College of Maryland with a degree in Economics. He graduated with honors and was awarded the Saint Mary’s Scholar Award for excellent. He spent many years working for Bell Atlantic - Verizon and took an early out after 17 years to pursue a career in Chinese studies.

As a youngster Marc enjoyed playing sports such as baseball and lacrosse. He loved to ski and became interested in bike racing in his later teen years narrowly missing death traveling down a mountain near Ellicott City and hitting a car head on. Marc like his sister Andrea has always work hard at doing whatever endeavor that interested them at the time to perfection.

2978. Andrea Hollingsworth

Andrea is a graduate of Mount DeSales in Catonsville, Maryland, University of Maryland and the Baltimore International Culinary Institute. Andrea is currently employed by a large New England company and lives between her homes in Framingham, New Hampshire and Cape Cod.
Dad- I just want to tell you and Toni how much you mean to me. I keep
having these memories pop in my head.... of different times we've been
together. I remember Marc and I in the back seat of a car with you and
mom in the front pulled over and picked up a piece of
furniture...we drove for a while and discovered bees were in the
you remember this...where were we???

I hope you know how much I cherish my childhood and what you have done
for me. I appreciate the person you made me. My life is wonderful
because of you . I know I did a lot but you are the one who turned me
into who I am today.

We will be down the cape this weekend, just the 2 of us.....tomorrow
night we are going to dinner with the $$ you gave us. We are going to
the Impotent Oyster in Chatham, you and Toni went there for lunch.


Carolyn Jane(Toni) Sias

Toni’s father was a reporter in the White House at the time of Toni’s birth. Shortly afterwards she, her sister Nancy and her father and mother moved to Sioux City, Iowa where Toni spent the rest of her childhood. She later went on to Iowa and Iowa State finishing her education with a Master Degree in Botany. Two of Toni’s passions are her love for gardening and watercolor painting, both of which she excels in.