2608. Donald Page Hollingsworth
Donald Page Hollingsworth, Edmonton Police Sgt....Donald is now retired from the
Edmonton Police Service and working for a large telephone company in security.Jan 2005: Don Hollingsworth is a descendant of Nicholas Hollingsworth, b. 1762 Ballinakill, County Wexford, d. 1826, Ballycanew, County Wexford, Ireland received the last of his 25 markers this week.
Don matched our Valentine lineage and Thomas James Hollingsworth of James (b. 1811) of Ballycanew,
County Wexford, Ireland 25/25.
Apparently, James (b.1811) and Nicholas (b. 1762) are descendants of an unidentified brother, uncle or
cousin of Valentine, Sr. that did not migrate to America with Valentine.This DNA match with Don and Tom was really a big deal in the Hollingsworth circles. It meant that Valentine Hollingsworth Sr., the granddaddy of just about every other Hollingsworth in the U.S. had a brother that stayed in Ireland after he left for America in 1682 with the Quakers and William Penn.
Belfast 10/17/2022
Don's and his son Sean's trip to Ireland and Scotland.
Woke up in our B&B just outside of Belfast with our host preparing another ‘low calorie’ breakfast. Drove into Belfast to see the sights. Got gas across the street from a Police Station that was still surrounded with barbed wire, cages and other fortifications left over from Irish strife. It was only going to be a 3 hour drive to the Hollingsworth’s roots in Ballycanew so we took a detour off the main motorway and went through several small towns along the coastline. Found a seniors home, white with turrets, across the street from the ocean. I told Sean that he could put me there when the time comes. Got to Ballycanew and found that the St. Mogue’s Churchyard was locked. After a few inquiries with locals we were directed to a ‘Mary’ who lived across the street who might have a key. An elderly ‘Mary’ answered the door. She did not have a key but invited two total strangers into her home to chat, and so we visited for about 30 minutes. We found out we would see her in church tomorrow. Finally asked her name and she said it was Mary Rathwell….same as my Great Great Great Grandmother 1762-1835 who married Nicholas Henry Hollingsworth. Some of the Rathwells settled in Athens, Ontario, the same town the Hollingsworth’s settled in when they came to Canada in 1847. We have to be related! After attending church tomorrow, and more visits with Mary we hope to see the church vestry books and explore the cemetery. Finished the day with another local pub meal. Me thinks it will be salads all day tomorrow.
Scotland 10/18/2022
Left our mountain cottage hideaway outside Dublin early for a 2 1/2 hour drive to Belfast and the ferry. Had a bit of a culture shock as we hit Dublin rush hour traffic and freeway parking lots. Made it to the ferry with 45 mins to spare after thinking we were going to entirely miss the boat. Sean upgraded our seats to a lounge area where we had reclining seats and complimentary coffee, tea, lattes etc. Not a ripple on the ocean as we crossed back to Scotland. As we had lots of time for the short drive to the Dumfries and Dalbeattie area, we made several stops and captured a few more of those ‘zen moments’. A couple looked like the classic Windows computer screen saver pictures. It seems like every building in Scotland has a plaque commemorating something and we captured one from 1782. We found our Holiday Inn in Dumfries….had to check our reservation after seeing the building, not exactly your usual looking Holiday Inn. Absolutely beautiful accommodation. We fit right in as it was once a mental asylum. Also on the estate grounds is a massive church, the biggest we have seen on our trip which means it is really huge. More pictures of it tomorrow. We made contact with our local resident and genealogist in Dalbeattie so tomorrow she has promised a full day tour of her town and walk in the footsteps of our Gillespie ancestors.
Dalbeattie, Scotland 10/19/2022
What a fantastic day, literally walking in the steps of our ancestors. We met with Erica, a genealogist and Dalbeattie historian at 10am and said our goodbyes at 6pm. She wanted us to experience our ancestors life so we started our walking tour of Dalbeattie. Erica explained “This is the park that opened in 1903, the whole town was here and probably your ancestors were here as well.” “This is the school that your ancestors attended.” “This is the house where your family lived from 1861 -1953.” Dalbeattie is best known for its granite quarries and stone masons, many of the Gillespie family were stone masons. Erica gave me a granite stone from the fence at family home. I can’t wait to hear airport security conclude that a rock in my carry-on can be used as a weapon. Erica also walked us down the Main Street of Dalbeattie showing us a block of shops that was owned by Gillespie’s and a monument in the town center where again the entire town came to see it’s unveiling. We were then off to many cemeteries, churches and ruins to see where the ancestors were buried. At the end of the day Erica provided us with a portfolio documenting all her research into the Gillespie families of Dalbeattie. What a day!
Day 9. 10/20/2022
We had no real plans for today so we just travelled around to a few towns. One of the towns just happened to be in England (just) so I guess we can say “we travelled to England.” Visited the coast about 6 miles from Dalbeattie to see the ocean. Tried to find a couple of ancestral homes in the country but sadly found that 1800ish place names are not in our car’s GPS. We also walked to an abandoned stone railway bridge that was about 300 feet long across a valley and about 100 feet above ground. Looked just like an old Roman viaduct. Captured a few more of those zen moments. Unbelievable green fields. Off to Glasgow again tomorrow for our last night in Scotland
Last day in Scotland 10/21/22
Left Dumfries and headed to Glasgow. Passed the Dumfries Courthouse and as almost all old buildings in the town it was made with red sandstone. In Dalbeattie everything was built with speckled granite. As we had lots of time we decided to travel north past Glasgow to the Highlands. The scenery was spectacular. The pictures don’t do the colors any justice. It’s obvious where the colors for many tartans came from. Off to the airport in the morning for the 7 hour flight back to Toronto. Thank you Scotland and Ireland for a spectacular trip.
Bernice died as a result of cancer of the brain at the Marina Mercy Hospital, Marina Del Ray, in the western section of Los Angeles County.
2955. Holly Lee Hollingsworth
Harry Hollingsworth, the editor of Hollingsworth Register attended this wedding of his niece. The reception was held at the Woman's Club in the nearby city of El Segundo.
Holly is the daughter of John Harrison Hollingsworth and graduated from Hawthorne High School in 1966 and worked for Pacific Telephone Company in Los Angeles.
Holly wore a long sleeved white cage gown of peau de soie lace in empire style, with rolled collar and yoke in satin. She had a tulle veil worn shoulder length held in place with a pearl coronet, and carried a beautiful cascade including white roses and lily of the valley, with a white orchid as center piece.
Robert is the son of Charles and Mrs Hatton of Torrance, California, and he is a graduate of South High in that city. He is now serving in the Army and stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado. In civilian life he was employed as a fireman.
The Hatton name has long been associated with Hollingsworth dating back to 1768 in County Wexford. Not known if this Hatton family is related to the Wexford clan.
2643. Patricia Elizabeth Hollingsworth
Hi cousin...I am thrilled to get a message....I am not sure if you will even get this or not...because as I mentioned before..I am not that good at the computer....My granddaughter is living with me temporarily while she goes to college here in L.A.....and she is the one who set this all up (computer) she goes home on the weekends to Orange county, so she is not here at this time to help me send this letter.....I am so thrilled to write someone who is related to me on the Hollingsworth side.....Since I wrote I discovered Harry Hollingsworth death date..He died in January of 1996. I really felt sad that I didnt go to his funeral or if he was sick to help him out...I suppose his brother did help him.....Yes he probably is buried in th Inglewood cemetery....with his mother and father...I think we have other relatives buried there too..I would have to look it up......Harry used to take at least three buses to get to the Geneology library where he worked....He went every day....He loved his geneology and quote dates and everything...Well it is time to go to church...so I will check my mail later....Your cuz.Pat
(June 17, 2007 - Patricia Hollingsworth Hudson)May 1, 2009
Reply to your letter....the old fellow is Elizabeth Brownsfather, Jacob Brown. Ida Belles husband was James William McPherson. The man in the top hat alone is william wallace hollingsworth. I believe the duo, the man on the left is also wm. wallace. I am not sure who the other one is, but I think he was a friend of wm's. When I cut the picture to fit the space I cut off the name, and did not realize it until now. After looking at all the pictures I sent you, I see that all or most of the names of the people are attached to the outside plastic. My Gdaughter took the pictures from the covering, so I am now wondering if you got any of the names. Harry was a descendant of John Benjamin and I from Frederick. Your home sounds beautiful, in the mountains. I am a city girl, born in Santa
Monica, Cal. Never did too much mountineering. In California we have snow covered mountains and lakes. And the ocean just a few miles away. My kids have skied, surfboarded and climbed mountains. All in California. I live just a few miles from Santa Monica now in Culver City. Culver City is where all the old movies were made...Not Hollywood. Gone with the wind, Etc. They had a huge part of Culver City for their filming, cowboy movies, and all the oldies. MGM sold alot of their land and now we have a junior College. And the large studio of Sony...where they still make movies....I havent seen too many stars. Elvis Presley filmed at our park. We have had two movies made on our street, that I know of. One was the Crossing Guard, with Jack Nicholson, Sean Penn was the director and David Morse. It was very interesting, but filmed at night. They have these huge lights that light up their set. I have never sat up to watch them. Sean was playing with his two little girls on a neighbors lawn, and they have these huge trailers for the stars....All very interesting. I have never gone to Idaho. But it sounds very beautiful. If you need any more names or any information that I have please let me know. I could not get into my email for some time , finaly had someone come out and fix it. Hoping to hear from you again, and if I can be of any help to you. PatHudson.
2648. June Virginia Sladek
Email received on June 5, 2009
Well I sit here last night and wrote you, but it wouldn't send,and Jill thought it would go to the draft, but it wasn't thereeither, so must be in cyberspace! Nothing special except I didn't realize there were that many registers. I just rememberHarry said when I was through with all of them to give themto a library. He said Montgomery had them all. We have beenso hot and humid for two days, it is nice to have a break today,with just a light shower. My eye appt was good and Dr said ifwould keep using the drops and gel for dry eyes more faithfully, I didn't need to wear my glasses, which I have wornsince I was 12, and I didn't get a reading pair, which I may need anyway. yes Jacob was my grandfather, he had two daughters and a son that died when two yrs. I was an onlychild, and my aunt (other sister) didn't have any children. My dad was an only child also, so the only cousins I hadwere from mother's two step-sisters. Attaching my picturetaken last year for the church directory, I was 90 then. I'vebeen blessed with good health I guess, although had a broken hip in '68 shopping for Xmas tree (slipped on pinestraw) and again in 79 shopping for same tree when I tripped over some fire logs. Needless to say, I bought a 3 ft artificial tree which has been used ever since. WellI've no doubt bored you long enough - I will be seeing your web sites later. Love, June
Email received on June 7, 2009
It's been a long hot, humid day but is turning cooler now. Waited on Sharynyesterday but was a no show, so Jill & I went grocery shopping this morning,and then she came over this afternoon expecting they would arrive, but insteadwe get a phone call they would be here around 4 tomorrow. They had been in Nashville a week with Frank at the hospital with his cardiologist, so guessthey can't keep plans.She has a morning Dr. appt and Jill is having an epidural inthe morning and i will be sitting for two hours with her. I just came in from cuttingback the ivy on the wall beside the driveway, hard on the back! Wish I had something to report on the Hollingsworth family, but it all escapes me and without the registers I am kind of lost. About all I remember is the story of Georgia who lived in Virginia I believe duringan epidemic (was it smallpox, I don't remember) anyway she told them the drays went up and down the streets yelling "Bring out your dead"! Registers probably show when she married Jacob I don't remember. We lived in the old Hollingsworth home until I was 7 when my folksbuilt a new house next to his folks. The old home had three big oak trees in the front yard and we had a terrible cyclone that uprooted all three trees and one of the branches fell in my bedroom justafter they had taken me out of bed. Well, back to "sitting and knitting" , Love, June
2966. Jack Coleman another actor in the family
Jack was an and played the part of "Stephen Carrington" on a popular TV sitcom by the name of "Dynasty".