Minnie was John's second cousin, she was the daughter of Edward, and granddaughter of Nicholas. Her daughter is Dorothy Murphy, (I wonder if this Murphy is related to William Murphy, and is Mary Murphy also from this family? Mary Murphy married James Nicholas Hollingsworth in Modreeny in 1838) Dorothy wrote to Harry (HR) in March 1986 and told him her mother Marie had died in 1973 after a short illness.
Minnie (Maria) (Hollingsworth) Hollingsworth died Fri May, ll, 1973,
at the age of 80 years, 1 month and 3 days, having been born on Sat April
8, 1893 at Hollyfort, Gorey, Co. Wexford, Ireland, daughter of Edward and
Maria (Lawrence) Hollingsworth. (See her daughter Dorothy Murphy's letter
in HR March, 1990, page 7.) At the time she wrote this 1964 letter Minnie
was tending a herd of over fifty cattle! Getting one of her letters was a
sure-fire thrill. You can see why. R.I.P.Maria's address in 1964:
27 Oct 1964
Cloolanearl, REDCROSS,
Co. Wicklow, EIRE.
James was a domestic coachman....James is listed on the 1901 census as being able to speak both Irish and English.
2109. William Hollingsworth Seaman
William was a seaman, he was said to have done research into the "Spottiswoode Fortune", and had a sea chest full of records collected. He and Bridgid had nine sons and one daughter.
"Uncle Willie's" card:
William 1874 -
Daniel 1847-1913 Poulaphuca, Wicklow.
Ann Byrne 1843-1899 Rehard, Wicklow.Married:
Bridget Devlin Wicklow
18th June 1900 at Wicklow
(1st cousin of Mary C. wife of John 1876) His brackets
- BillDied -
Buried Allerton Cemetry LiverpoolBirth/Bapt:
2nd December 1874
Rathdrum Register
Custom House 19.927
Anne 1901 Wicklow
James Joseph 1902 Wicklow
Daniel 1904 Wicklow
William Joseph 1907 Wicklow
Micheal (Michael? - Bill) Augustus 1909 Wicklow
John Liverpool
Francis Valentine Liverpool
Stephen Liverpool
Edward Liverpool
Thomas LiverpoolBrothers & sisters
Elizabeth 1871
Francis 1873
John 1876
Annie Marie 1878
Francis 1880
Catherine 1882And this note:
"Settled as Dockgateman at Garston Docks Liverpool,
lived 47 Dock Road Garston- St Francis of Assisi
Parish. He got John 1874 started as a dock gateman.
This man & his son James Joseph 1902 delved well into
the Spottiswoode affairbut we know nothing of the
results. James's lady friend Miss Peg Kenyon
Manchester is maybe the only one who knows how far
they got, & her I cannot contact as yet 23 May 66"
Bridget Devlin was the 1st cousin of Mary Catherine Murphy the wife of William's brother John Hollingsworth Born1876.
From Bill in Duiblin-
the one I listed as married to William is real alright. That's her(back, right) with her daughter Annie (front) in the photo. The photocame from my dad's album with the entry written by him and so isprobably authentic. William & Bridget had some children in Wicklow andmoved to Liverpool around 1910. William appears to have gotten a jobfor his brother John (my grandfather) also in Liverpool - whichenabled John's family to move from Templelyon, Wicklow to Liverpoolaround 1910/11.Also enclosed here is a picture of her husband William (Willie)Hollingsworth (1874-1919), my grand uncle.During the 1901 census Bridget was living with her mother, husband William was most likely at sea.
2110. John Hollingsworth
John married Mary (Catherine) Murphy in Wicklow
Catholic Church. I think it was the promise of work
possibly on Liverpool docks through William or
William's contacts, that brought John & family to
Liverpool. From of letter by Bill Hollingsworth born 1960.Died: 12th May 1957 a widower in Farakerty (?? can't read,
probably Fazakerley - Bill) Hospital in Liverpool.
Buried St. Austin's Cemetry Grassendale Liverpool 19.Bill Hollingsworth of Dublin says that his grandfather's
birthday was always celebrated on the 15th. Rathdrum
Register. Custom House 12.944"Born in Templelyon - name of an area on the road
between Jack White's Cross and Redcross Co. Wicklow.
Made his First Holy Communion Xmas Day 1890. Went as
deep sea sailor for many years - lived early part of
married life in Queen's Square Dublin (and address I'm
unfamiliar with Tom. Handwriting a little difficult.
Will try to check - Bill) - moved to Liverpool with
family in May 1910 - taking up job as Dock gateman on
Garston Docks, where he worked until retirement in
1956. His one address all this time was 231 St. Mary's
Road Grassendale Liverpool 19. His last days I believe
were spent as a very holy man & now is buried in the
churchyard with Mary Catherine & near two of his sons
John & William Joseph."John always wanted to celebrate his birthday on the 15th.
2550. Daniel Hollingsworth
Grocer, Insurance agent. Served with R.A.F. in 1939/45 war. Awarded “Oak Leaf” in Egypt. Served in Italy. Member of Saint Vincent de Paul in Wallasey. Reared & educated in Grassendale, Liverpool. St. Austin’s.
Died in Wallasey - living with wife Eileen & brothers John & William J. These two brothers died within 12 months of Dan’s death.
Danny and Eileen had no children.
2553. William Hollingsworth
So as you can see Tom, William was the one who died
young. And then William Joseph named after him. And I
after him in turn. You'll also see that my dad had a
very bad year or so when I was a child - before I
remember. Three brothers died in two years. Three sad
trips on the boat to Liverpool. (Bill Hollingsworth b: 1963)
2555. William Joseph Hollingsworth
William Joseph
Teacher @ Mount Carmel & St. Cecilias
2nd October 1914 - 26th December 1963Can't find more for now.
2111. Annie Marie Hollingsworth
Annie Marie's brother Francis was living with she and her husband during the 1901 census. Francis is listed as a painter and single.
Patrick was a baker....listed on the 1901 census...
2113. Catherine Hollingsworth
Name: Catherine 1882Where: Wicklow. Templelyon.Parents: Daniel 1847-1913. Ann Byrne Rehard, Wicklow.Married: Robert C. Doyle 14 November 1905. Sea captain - son of James Doyle, Wicklow.Birth/Bapt: 1 October 1882 Rathdrum Reg. CH 2.862Children: James Doyle (Reporter on the Cork Examiner newspaper)Daniel Doyle (Wrote to Henry. Letter No.2. County Librarian.Robert Doyle (Schoolteacher)Brothers & sisters:Elizabeth 1871William 1874John 1876Francis 1873Anna Maria 1878Francis 1880Notes:(1) Inherited all and sundry from Daniel 1847 including lands at Ballyguile & the Glebe, Wicklow. The latter was sold for the building of a National Technical School. Retired 1960 through ill health, sold up and went to live with eldest son James in Terenure, Dublin. Catherine at present in a hospital or Nursing Home. (27 Jan 1966).
(2) Robert the husband left her approx 1916 and not heard of since. I was a baby when he called to see my father (in Liverpool) before going and I was called after him “Robert”.
Robert the husband left her approx in 1916 and was not heard of since. Was he lost at sea??? Not uncommon even in the 21 century.
2560. James Doyle
James was a reporter with the Cork Examiner newspaper.
2561. Daniel Doyle
Daniel was a Librarian.
2562. Robert Doyle
Robert was a school teacher.
2138. Mary Ellen Cain
Mary Ellen Cain was born in 1873, she was named for her aunt Mary Warren according to the letter. And Ellen for her Ellenor Hempenstall her grandmother.
( Catherine Murdoch)When you get into the early history of Canada there is a period where there is not much recorded information. Unlike the British Isle with well established documentation these people hop on a boat and moved to the wilderness. One of My great gg grandfathers (of HH) was born in Upper Canada in 1818. I cannot connect him to a family his Last name is McLellan so his family was probably from Scotland but I cannot make that connection to Europe as of yet.
In my father's line the family came over from Ireland with Colonel Talbot from Tipperary to London,Middlesex Co. and they are a little easier to find information on but prior to certain years there are no vital statistics. I try to put all the clues together and they make a big picture, that you may have to tweek a bit now and then, but looking at the big picture often leads you down roads that you never would have traveled if you just stuck to proven facts and sometimes the additional clues that you find are concrete facts. I guess that is what we are doing with this.
I am sending you the family group sheet for Catherine Hollingsworth and John Cain and their daughter Mary Ellen Cain Andrews . Mary Ellen my g grandmother was the only one in the family to have children. I do not know about Fanny. On the back of the picture that I sent you of John Hollingsworth it said to my niece Fanny Mrs. Wesley Covey. I know Fanny married
Alexander Green at 16 yrs but she must of had a second marriage to Mr. Covey as there are no other Fanny's and the picture came to me with my grandmother's things. Fred did not marry, Alwilda had no heirs and Eliza died young.I am also sending you a family group sheet for Wm (John) Hollingsworth. The first four children were the children he had with Harriet Martha Davis and the last four children with Lucy Hodge. I am sorry that they are not separately shown here. He married Harriet on May 05, 1868, in North Augusta, Leeds County, ON.,CAN.
I agree with you about genealogy being free and am happy I started doing my genealogy as early as 2000. A lot of the information I gathered is no longer available. I think It is wrong to sell information to people that they have a right to have. As far as hunches they have paid off for me in doing genealogy. When I first was researching my Grandmother's family I only knew that their surname was Cain and that they came from North Michigan.
I had a hard time finding out who the wife of John Cain was as I said her memory seemed to be erased but even before I found the census documents that showed they were born in Canada and revealed her name I always believed it would be Catherine. I had traveled to Michigan and went to the Archive there to look up the vital statistics and found out that I would have to go back to the Archives of Ontario.
The story from the point of view of the Cain family is even funnier as the search went back to Canada I thought that the trail would head back to England or Ireland but It went back to the USA as Isaiah Cain founder of Caintown was an UEL and his wife Leah Adams was a cousin to the Adams Presidents. Also Leah family goes back as far as the Mayflower.
(Catherine Murdoch)I was not expecting to find so much as said I started from scratch on all my family lines. But there are a lot of researchers in the Cain line but I seem to be mostly on my own in the Canadian Hollingsworth family research.
Considering my grandmother was raised in an orphanage I have found a lot of history for her. She knew who her parents were but the father was apparently a philanderer and left them without income Mary Ellen could not look after the children. Her siblings took her in but the two boys were sent to work farms and the two girls were sent to an orphanage. In her old age Mary Ellen Cain Andrews spent three months a year with each of her four children and their families. (Catherine Murdoch)
Captain George Kinch Master Mariner
The Kinch family came to Ireland in the Parliamentary Army during the mid 1600s, settled at Arklow and have been there ever since, according to family tradition.
George was a seaman and Captain of his own schooner.