1755. Mary Ellen Hollingsworth
Raised her sister's (Elizabeth Hollingsworth Marvin) son Lamont - Father of actor Lee Marvin
Thanks to Harry Hollingsworth and his HR: From "Brooklyn Eagle", July 27, 1916
Wynn - Suddenly, on Tuesday, July 25, 1916, Thomas F., beloved husband of Mary F. Wynn. Funeral from his late residence, 473 Forty-seventh Street, Brookyn, on Friday, July 28, 10:30 a.m.
1756. Samuel William Hollingsworth
Samuel was listed in the 1910 census in Millville, New Jersey as a "bottle blower", and working for the glass factory. He and his family were residences of 614 Main Street, in a house they rented.
Here is the 1910: Census
Age: 44, Male, Race: WHITE, Born: ENGL
Series: T624 Roll: 875 Page: 145
Rents home at 614 Main StreetSamuel 44 Married 29 yrs ENG ENG ENG, Emig' 1867, NA, Bottle blower glass
Lizzie 43 M 29 yrs 4 births/3 living* NY NY NY
Ethel M. 20 NY ENG NY Operator telegraph office
Margaret D. 18 NY ENG NY
Harry W. 6 NJ ENG NY
Samuel and Elizabeth's grave lot at Mt Pleasant Cemetery is Lot #164 Section M, four paths East of the main building and six paths into the middle. As described to me by the superintendent of the cemetery Mr. James Reeves on Sept 22, 2004.
Series: T623 Roll: 961 Page: 111
1900 -- 316 South Third Street, Mvl (renting)
Samuel 9/1867 32 m12 yrs ENG ENG ENG no emig date Glass blower
Elizabeth 2?/1867 32 M12 yrs 3 births/2 lvg NY NY PA (a child apparently
died by 1900)
Ethel 8/1891 8 NY ENG NY -- 2 yrs older than Marg.
Margaret 9/1893 6 NY ENG NY -- born 9-1893 in NY (Harry not yet
1910 --Rents home at 614 Main Street
Samuel 44 Married 29 yrs ENG ENG ENG Emig' 1867, NA, Bottle blower glass
Lizzie 43 M 29 yrs 4 births/3 living NY NY NY(Next to Lizzie it shows 4 births/3 living, fourth child's name not known at this time, might have been another daughter Madeline.)
Ethel M. 20 NY ENG NY Operator telegraph office ((is M. for
Margaret D. 18 NY ENG NY - - no occu.
Harry W. 6 NJ ENG NY
2314. Ethel Madeline Hollingsworth
Ethel is listed in the 1910 census in Millville, New Jersey as a "Telegraph Operator".
(1920 Census) PENNSYLVANIA , PHILADELPHIA, 40-WD Series: T625 Roll: 1642
Page: 23
Owns mortgaged home at 1719 South 55th Street
Van Gilder, Fred'k C. head 34 NJ NJ NJ Salesman
" , Ethel M. wife 29 NY ENG NY
Hollingsworth, Harry W. , brother in law 16 NJ ENG NY
2315. Margaret D. Hollingsworth
Email received: August 4, 2004
I just stumbled upon your website while looking for a Stone in Millville, NJ (via google search) and wondered if you had my great aunt by marriage, Margaret Hollingsworth Steele.
You surely did! That was some classy lady, who kept a beautiful home full of nice dishes and furniture. And Carlton was impressively tall for his time (chesty, too, not just lanky-tall). When I get near a scanner I will send you a later-life photo of either just her, or the couple, whichever you prefer.They are buried in Mount Pleasant, Millville NJ, but lived most of their married lives in Brooklawn, NJ. It’s too bad they never had any children.
Who supplied those great teen-years photos of Margaret? She suffered through cancer and other problems in her old age, so it was nice to see her there, so young.
W. Carlton was my grandmother’s only brother. I will get his and Margaret’s actual birth and death dates soon.Hi: This is the only other picture I have of Margaret. This was taken in Millville, New Jersey in 1927. When you tell me which year she was born I can then determine how old she was in this picture.
Margaret's father was the man in the middle with the straw hat and glasses, Samuel William Hollingsworth. Sam was born in Manchester, England and for many years I thought our family was English, until recently when I discovered his grandfather was actually born in Ballycanew, Ireland. This was proven by army enlistment documents from 1827.
I am not sure, but I think, Margaret's mother must have been deceased in 1927 or she was taking the picture. I can identify all the ladies in the photo so I know she isn't in the picture. Margaret looks to be about 12-13 in the photo so I would place her birth year at about 1915.Thanks for getting in touch with me and I hope to hear from you soon. TomMargaret had courted some "well off" men before Carlton, but one got in trouble (shady money of some type) so Carlton occasionally teased her that she was better off with someone poor but honest. Quote from email by Dolores Langley Soberg She goes on to say:
Dad (age 81) recalls Carlton living with him and his parents until he got married, yet dad can't recall the wedding. My parents have Margaret's dining room furniture, to this day, and my first car was their's, which Carlton willed to Dad. DLSMargaret was showned in the 1920 census as living in a Millville boarding house and working as a bookkeeper. Her father Samuel was also living in a boarding house at the same time.
Carlton was the only son of William Steele (1853-1925) and Mary Horton who grew to adulthood. His "silent" first name was William, and I am not sure where Carlton came from.
Carlton died less than a month after Margaret, whom he regarded like a queen and had "nursed" through extremely trying health challenges. I recall how he refused an autopsy, commenting that "she's been cut ENOUGH!" The family believes he died willingly, possibly by not eating right nor taking his prescriptions.
Carlton was retired from the New York Shipbuilding Company.
The obit of W. Carlton Steele is dated 10-1-66, and it says he died "this morning." Actually, my dad went up from Millville to check on him and he was dead on the floor, upstairs. Here it is, verbatim:
W. Carlton Steele, 70, of 210 New Jersey Ave., Brooklawn, died suddenly at his home this morning. He was retired from the New York Shipbuilding Co.
Mr. Steele's wife, Margaret, preceded him in death a month ago. The deceased was a member of Shekinah Lodge 58, F. and A.M.
He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Emma Langley, Millville; four nephews, Norman Langley and Robert S. Langley, both of Millville, William S. Langley, Fresno, Calif., and Charles W. Langley, Boulder City, Col. (error: Col. should be Nev.)
The funeral will be held on Tuesday at 2 p.m. from Rocap-Shannon Memorial Funeral Home with the Rev. Russell Shivers officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Masonic services and viewing will be held at the funeral home Monday evening at 7 p.m.
I was in my first year of college and did not attend the funeral, but clearly recall the viewing since it was the first time I saw Masons "do their thing.""He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Emma Langley, Millville; four nephews, Norman Langley and Robert S. Langley, both of Millville, William S. Langley, Fresno, Calif., and Charles W. Langley, Boulder City, Col. (error: Col. should be Nev.)"
Carlton willed the Brooklawn row house to my uncle Norman, his oldest nephew, with my dad and the 2 other nephews getting some modest cash and furnishings.
2316. Harry William Hollingsworth
At the time of the 1930 Census in Phila, Pa., Harry and his wife Elizabeth were living with her parents in Phila. at 2723 7oth Street. Harry is listed as a salesman.
1757. Elizabeth Ann Hollingsworth
Elizabeth married Henry Marvin, they had a son Lamont who in turn had a son Lee Marvin - actor. Elizabeth and her husband Henry are buried in the Hollingsworth family grave plot at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Millville, New Jersey.
Post Card From Elizabeth Hollingsworth Marvin, dated Dec 21, 1914, 9AM, Brooklyn, New York, Bush Terminal Station
To: Mr. Thos Hollingsworth, Westport, Baltimore, Md.
My dear bro & family
Just a line to say how happy I was to see you & wish I could have felt as well as I do today as I could have had a better wish - I am improving fine & hope to eat my Xmas dinner with the family. I hope you all have a Merry Xmas & Happy New Year & hope the New Year will bring you health, happiness & prosperity. Love to Lizzie & children. Elizabeth(Elizabeth died almost two months to the day after this card was written. Cause of death not known at this time.)
1758. Thomas Nicholas Hollingsworth Jr. grandfather
(E) Film 955684 Vol 20, 1866-1870.Name Town Year Book & Page
Thomas N. (Cambridge 1872 242-148) ****This is: Thomas Nicholas Hollingsworth Jr.Letter written to Thomas from his father Thomas Nicholas Hollingsworth Sr., one month and ten days before he died.
New Jersey
March 9th, 1911My Dear Son Thomas Wife and children
Your welcome letter received and was glad to hear of you and James getting home all right and that you both injoyed your trip to Millville. I was very glad to see you both looking so good. I hope you both may continue to enjoy the best of health for it seems that we only know the benefit of good health when we have last it. So take you fathers advice and give yourselves the very best of care. The Medicine has not come at this writing. I am some better to day God love you all. Father over
Give my kind love to James and Sophia (Son James and wife Sophia) and kiss James Thomas for Grandfather and all the little onesAnother letter from Thomas Nicholas Hollingsworth Sr. to Thomas Nicholas Hollingsworth Jr.
Dated Sept 14, 1905 7:30 AM, Millville, New Jersey, Addressed to: Thos N Hollingsworth, Baltimore, Md, Westport
The top portion of the first page has been torn away, but goes on to say:
your welcome letter this moment to hand and I am very glad to hear of you all being well and that you start to work next Monday. Yes it is a very long stop and it is very hard for those who have families to be idlel so long as the expenses are always the same work or no work and it requires a man with such grave cares to be careful as to how he lives and how he spends.
I am glad to hear of you getting the money all right also to hear that my daughter Lucy is doing well and in good health. Also glad to hear that your daughter Frances is improving and hope and pray that she may grain stronger every day. And I am glad to hear of my son James and his wife been well. Now Thomas I know daughter (sic) by this time you have seen your sister Martha who is now trying to better her condition in a new place of work and to make a new home for herself.
I have talked the matter over with Martha and did advise her what to do and I hope that you will render to her all the help you can as I am very anxious to see Lunch and her do well and as long as they try to get ahead I shall give to them proper assistance and help them in every way.
I should like very much to impress upon your mind that I hold no hard feelings against Lucy or Martha the past as you and I have them just as good as ever. I am hoping you as their Brother will do the same. We are all on the same path that mother has passed through and it behooves us all to do the best we can for each other. You can read this letter to James and I will close with god's blessings upon you all. Father
Directions to approximate location of Hollingsworth graves in Mt Olivet Cemetery, Baltimore. When you go in the stone entrance, follow the road to the right until it starts to bend to the left. The graves have flat stone markers and are not too far from the road, maybe 30 feet. (Been years I regret to say since I have been there. Tom) I had visited many, many times over the years and each time had a difficult time finding the graves.
(F) Film 955686 Vol. 25, 1871-1875.
Hollingsworth, Female Ware 1872 242-100
Cora Edith Wilbraham 1874 259-445
Daniel Boston 1875 270-095
James Boston 1873 252-046
THOMAS NICHOLAS. Cambridge 1872 242-148
Ho11ingwood, Alice Fa11 River 1872 241-123Hollingsworth, Thomas N (burial location in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick Road
Baltimore, Maryland
P,109,SE/4,#2 Date of burial 04/28/1938 Year 1938
Hollingsworth, Elizabeth Diament P,109,SE/4,#3 Burial date 02/21/1934 Year 1934
2322. Francis Hollingsworth
I was told she fell down a flight of steps and died. Francis must have had a very sad life, not sure if a childhood illness or birth defect, but she suffered from a debilitating illness that effected her nervous system from early childhood.
Francis did marry, her husband's name is not known to me because my father did not take me around to see her. She and her husband lived in the neighborhood of Holland Street Market, on the west side of Baltimore City. I understand her sisters Ruth and Ella did do whatever they could to help her through the years, but as far as I know my father did very little for his sister Francis. So sad.
2323. Thomas Nicholas Hollingsworth 3rd (Infant death)
Hollingsworth, Thomas N (infant) F,163,W/2,#02 07/24/1905 1905
Cemetery has Thomas listed in their records as Thomas A, that is a mistake.
1762. Lucille (Lucy) Frances Hollingsworth
During the 1920 census Dr. Hoffman and Lucy were listed as living at 1443 N. 19th Street, Philadelphia, and the 1930 census showed them living at 2368 E. Cumberland, Philadelphia, Dr. Hoffman was listed as 48, and Lucille 34, Ages at first marriage: he 46/she 32
1763. Frederick Hollingsworth
Frederick's wife Mary said that his nephew Samuel use to visit with his sister Mary Wynn and would bring their nephew Lamont Marvin who Mary was raising because his mother Elizabeth passed away. Lamont later fathered Lee Marvin the actor.
Frederick was born in Brooklyn, New York. Frederick worked for an Elmhurst, New York gas company and he was seriously injured in an explosion from which he never fully recovered.
2328. James Hollingsworth
James lives in Charleston, South Carolina. He runs the senior center in Charleston. James also served in WW2 as a bombadier in the South Pacific.
Tom, I am glad that we both shared the information on Jean Baptistes, however, you may be as confused with the Hore/Andrews saga. Was she a daughter of an Andrews, married an Eason/Easton. She was young and none of this fits!!!
Jean Baptiste marries Mary Anne Hore in Perryville to avoid the church problem of two wives, then baptised several of their children in the Catholic church.
The Montroys have four plots at the Evergreen Cemetary all unmarked..The floods created problems and many were reburied to avoid the bodies being washed down the river. These plots with the old size coffins would bury six to seven. I can add alot of color from stories told.
George, the oldest son, was a steady hand with his mom and dad's new wife. So George with his three half brothers, WILLIAM, Michel and Joesph went to fetch my Henry in Canada. Did Marie when pregnant with the baby and Henry take off during this family upset? JB leading a fast life died young which left Julie to sort out the will.
Although poor Jean Baptiste had some land, the French homestead grant from the British, and the Revolutionary war he fell heir to. Little Henry had to probate the will for his share.
You have a distant cousin, her father married one of William's sisters, "Marlene Seymore" She is a DAR wizard having validated at least seven times with direct line Revolutionary War veteran.
Old Old Jean Baptiste was one of the two guides for Rogers's overland trip to Vincennes. One of the first French Voyagers to be credited.
Next, my wife Joan's ancestor married one of the sisters (Lybarger) so now we are all kinfolk.. OOOyea You did asked for some dates. Joan has one sister, life born 1930 in Chester. Their parents Andrew J. Hagan born November 30,1896 and died February 10, 1963,. her mother Ida H Lybarger born July 24 1898 and died March 17, 1987 . Joans sister Lietha or LEE.My father born June 13,1894 and died April 9,1976 . My mother taught school in Randolph County from 1920 to 1972. She used here maiden name as her middle name, Hazel A Montroy born September 10, 1903 and died December 10,1988. I was the only child
Jean Baptiste was a Captain of the Militia, he was the absolute ruler of civil and military for the area .His bride was also a Captain of the Militia's daugther and they all signed the papers with XXXXXX .Again I need help in the Hore/Andrews story. If you have any source on the early years of Montreuil and the family that ruled, tell me. ----- Original Message ----- March 17, 2004 10:16 AM Subject: familyJean Baptiste Montreuil married Mary Harr on 26 December 1826. The parents of Mary are unknown, and the name could possibly be Hore or Hare. Probate records show Harr more frequently than other spellings. Hand written the O and last R could be A and E. Jean Baptiste 1804 had six children - none named Jean????
Julia and Jean Baptiste had three boys: David, 1844; Joseph, 1846; and William, 1848.
Julia Easton Andrews (Second Wife)
Julia, she came from CT; married Jean Bap. in 1845 and assume since not married in church but in Perry Cty MO by JP, marriage to Mary Harr(Hore) was still valid in church??? Julie was still living in 1880 Randolph Cty IL census ith Frnk (Francis) her son and the last we know of her - on marriage record it is stated her name is Julia Eason; on son's Frank's marr. license it is stated his mother's name is Andrews - Who knows? But I've been checking for several years without success - It is not known where Jean Baptiste Montroy and julia are buried; maybe on the farm where they lived; on sexton's record in local cemetery there is a plot bought by a Jean Baptiste Montroy, but no one knows if anyone buried there - no tombstones!! And the mysteries continue!!
Julia, your gggrandmother was sorting out to the children of the last Jean Baptiste, yours and mine. The estate was good enough for all that wanted property got a farm!!!!
Jean Baptiste 1804 remarried 23 December 1841 in Perryville, Missouri in a civil contract to a JULIA ANDREWS (Eason). Julia is the daughter of Truman ANDREWS and Lucy STEELE. She has one brother TRUMAN. We can understand the Perryville civil marriage for Jean Baptiste is still, by church law, married to Mary Harr. What is confusing is that the children of Julia and Jean are baptized in the Catholic Church.