1523. Catherine Hollingsworth
Catherine Hollingsworth /Cain Samuel's daughter with first wife Ellen died about 1878 in Fife Lake MI which is just south of Traverse City in Grand Traverse County, Fife Lake Township.
Catherine Hollingsworth and John Cain came to Grand Traverse about 1869/70. Catherine would still have lived in Canada when her father Samuel died in Traverse City.
John Cain married Catherine Hollingsworth (1842) daughter of Samuel (1803) and Ellenor (1809), (Hempenstall) Hollingsworth of Leeds Co., Yonge Twp., formerly of Co. Wicklow and Co. Wexford respectively.John and Catherine were married on May 02, 1861 in Leeds Co., Canada West. They had a son born to them his name was Fred (Frederick) John Cain about 1864 in Canada West. He would be the only son from this marriage as he had four sisters who followed. Shortly after Fred was born it appears that they moved to Wisconsin for a while probably to join Amos and Charles Cain, John's brothers who had moved there in the mid 1800's.
Sometime between 1878 and 1880 census Catherine Hollingsworth Cain must have died. It may have been a result of Fanny's birth. Fanny shows up as a two years old and no mother in the 1880 census.I have found no varification of her death in Grand Traverse though. Sometimes I wonder if she ran off or something like her father. When her daughters married they put their father's name on the marriage licence and under mother they put unknown. Perhaps their stepmother did not appreciate them knowing about their mother. I hope to find out more someday. (Catherine Murdoch)
My grandmother's name was Catherine Andrews and her grandmother was Catherine Hollingsworth and Her grandmother was Catherine Hempenstall. I was named after my grandmother so the name is skipping every second generation. (Catherine Murdoch)
great great great grandparents Ellenor Hempenstall and Samuel Hollingsworth
great great grandmother Catherine Hollingsworth Cain
great grandmother Mary Ellen Cain Hollingsworth
grandmother Catherine Hattie Andrews Thorne
my mother Viola Thorne Colbert
me Catherine Colbert Murdoch
1524. Samuel Hollingsworth
Samuels gravestone says "Samuel Hollingsworth died Oct 12, 1879 aged 35 years 2 mo., 12 days"I have also have Samuel's birth date as July 31, 1844 * **Would have died just before 1881 Census
The other Samuel is still one of Samuel and Ellenor's sons it is not a question to me that he is their son. He is the Samuel buried beside his mother Ellenor. in Mallorytown. In my data base I have him married to Margaret Colwell. In your data base he is unmarried. (This has been changed, Editor I am not sure which is right.)
Also Daniel is a son of Samuel and Ellenor it is really just his birth date that is unknown like you say he probably is the second son. John as the first son would be named after his grandfather John. (Catherine Murdoch)
Harry Hollingsworth's research has Samuel marrying Emily Jane Dowsley, granddaughter of Joseph Lamphire Dowsley. Not sure if Catherine Murdoch's information is more accurate at this time, but I go with Catherine's.
Both of Margaret's sons Buell and Demar died a month apart during an epidemic of diphtheria. Not known at this time if Margaret remarried after her husband's and son's death.
1527. Edward Edwin Hollingsworth
Harry Hollingsworth's research says that Edward was married three times, first to Fredericka Schilickenmeier, second to Sarah A (maiden unk), and third to Justiene (maiden unk) He had one child, a son by his first wife.
2142. John H.D. Hollingsworth
Edward stood 6'2" tall and weighed 190 lbs, he had two wives Sophonie and Margaret, no children with either wife. Edward is buried near his grandfather in Oakwood Cemetery.
1528. Thomas Hollingsworth
He wrote his half-brother John in 1904 asking about an estate which was being processed in Ireland, and wondered if they were related to an Annie Gainford, Charlotte James, or Lizzie Gorman. The first two are children of John Hollingsworth, Cranacrower. Apparently a notice appeared in a Chicago paper in 1904.
Thomas was a licensed engineer.
1531. Mary Ann Hollingsworth Hollingsworth
According to family legend, Mary was living and employed as a maid in the Nicholas Hollingsworth household, and when Jane died, Nicholas married Mary three months later. eight children resulted from the union. Witnesses to the wedding were David I. Hollingsworth and Mary Hollingsworth.
Nicholas James Hollingsworth #2
After Nicholas's first wife Jane died, he married a cousin living and working in his home as a maid. After marrying Mary, they imigrated to Leeds County, Ontario, where they went on to have seven children.
2165. Thomas Albert Hollingsworth
Thomas Hollingsworth, aged 78 of Mallorytown, near Brockville, Ontario, Canada died en route to a hospital (January 1971) after he was found suffering from malnutrition and pneumonia in a farmhouse. A hospital spokesman said his brother, Bert Hollingsworth, 73 who also lived in the farmhouse was suffering from malnutrition, frost bitten feet and possible pneumonia. He was in satisfactory condition. Police said the men apparently became ill and were unable to care for themselves. Food and money were found in the house. Thomas and Bert Henry are children of the late Thomas and Ellen Stennett Hollingsworth who came to Canada about 1837 and great grandsons of John Hollingsworth of Big Rock, Arklow, County Wicklow, just north east of Gorey, County Wexford.
2168. Bert Henry Hollingsworth
Thomas Hollingsworth, aged 78 of Mallorytown, near Brockville, Ontario, Canada died en route to a hospital (January 1971) after he was found suffering from malnutrition and pneumonia in a farmhouse. A hospital spokesman said his brother, Bert Hollingsworth, 73 who also lived in the farmhouse was suffering from malnutrition, frost bitten feet and possible pneumonia. He was in satisfactory condition. Police said the men apparently became ill and were unable to care for themselves. Food and money were found in the house. Thomas and Bert Henry are children of the late Thomas and Ellen Stennett Hollingsworth who came to Canada about 1837 and great grandsons of John Hollingsworth of Big Rock, Arklow, County Wicklow, just north east of Gorey, County Wexford.
1547. James Nicholas Hollingsworth sea captain & mariner
James was the oldest son of a supposed 22 children of Nicholas Hollingsworth of Hollyfort House, Mangan, County Wexford, and formerly of Arklow, County Wicklow. He died at his house , called "Kimberley" in Greystones, 17 April 1898.
James was a fisherman and when it failed he sold his fishing boat and came to Greystones and put his money into a part ownership of a schooner named "Velinheli" which was owned by a local coal merchant and shipper of the ship. After "old James" died, his son James sailed as master and he died aboard a schooner in Garston, Liverpool, named the "Joseph Fisher', and was brought home and buried in Kelbride, near Arklow.
All the family are buried in Old Kilbride (Kilbride Ennereilly Cemetery, near Arklow.
2181. James "Jimmy" Nicholas Hollingsworth mariner
Minnie's letter says James "Jimmy" married and had no children. He was a mariner like his brothers.
1548. Samuel Hollingsworth (Schooner Master)
Samuel was an able body seaman (deck hand) of a ship called "SS Effendi", and was drowned at sea at Cape Finnisterre in 1878 not long after Marie Anne was born. Death report said he "jumped overboard" suffering from "Delirium tremens".
Another family idea is he was a Captain of a ship and was drowned at sea in the late 1870s, not long after Maria was born.
I wonder if this is really the way it happen, as an ex-merchant marine, I know how easy it would be to toss someone overboard for any number of reasons by one or more crew members.
Family members down through the years prefer the story that Samuel was a ship's Captain and simply died at sea.
Minnie say in her letter to Harry Hollingsworth that Samuel's two daughters married brothers, and I believe they were Hendersons.
The marraige certificate list Samuel as a Marine Captain.
Dublin. 24.06.1894 marriage of John Joseph Prozle, full, bachelor, commercial clerk, of 28 North Summer Street, father Joseph Perolz, baker. Married by licence Frances Hollingsworth, full, spinster of the Nat. Asylum for the Blind, Lieson Park, father Samuel Hollingsworth, Marine Captain. Witnesses John J. Bivan
Jane died just a few days after her husband died at sea at the young age of 37, and left her children orphans. It is reported they were raised by uncles and aunts.