Descendants of Henry Hollingsworth 7th great grandfather


1079. Frederick James Hollingsworth

Frederick's obit says he lived in Carleton Place and lost his life in a fire on the train. The train caught fire on the inside and when the trainmen saw smoke issuing from the car, they stopped the train immediately, and opened the door, to be met by smoke and flames. Mr. Hollingsworth's body was later recovered. He was born in County Wexford, Ireland Dec. 3, 1846 and came to Canada with his parents when an infant. They settle near Athens, where two brothers still reside. He was a Forester and members of that lodge conducted the funeral with Rev. Canon Elliott preaching. (from The Athens Reporter, April 29, 1910.)

Frederick was mentioned in his father's will in 1858 as one of his living sons.

Witnesses to his marriage to Margaret Hyde were, his cousin David John Hollingsworth and Letitia Vanduzen.

Margaret Hyde

Margaret was the step-daughter to Daniel Hollingsworth, half sister of Mary, wife of brother Nicholas.

1089. Thomas Hollingsworth (born out of wedlock)

Arthur Colley was a witness to Thomas's christening and also to the christening of Samuel and Ann Hollingsworth's daughter Mary on 17 Nov 1816, almost a year later. He emigrated to Elizabethtown, Ontario and married Deborah Ann Crafts. Harry Hollingsworth thought John Hollingsworth of Cranacrower who had two other children out of wedlock was Thomas's father. This editor thinks it was John Hollingsworth of Ballinakill, who later married his cousin Susanna Hollingsworth.
Not sure if you are interested in this kind of detail in your records, but,
I was just looking at the old Thomas Hollingsworth homestead with Google
Earth, or at least what we thought was the old Hollingsworth homestead. I
also just found that there is a cemetery on that property and a 'Thomas'
Hollingsworth is buried on that property along with his wife. The 'Thomas'
buried on this property is the one noted in your publication at #215 (page
86) with his wife being Deborah Ann Crafts. Either my Thomas has a relative
by the name Thomas buried on his land with his wife, or, and much more
likely, the 'T. Hollingsworth' shown on the land title map is NOT my Thomas
who is buried about 10 miles away. Back to the drawing board to find out
where my Thomas had his land. Did this make sense to you?

Don Page Hollingsworth 2/17/2007 email

Deborah Ann Crafts

She was married by William H. Gunning, Missionary at Lambspond.

. In New Brunswick,Canada,Deborah Crafts married Thomas Hollingsworth and her sister,Elizabeth Crafts,married Joseph Thomas Godkin and which suggests a family relationship between the Godkins,Crafts,Hollingsworths and Tackaberrys and helps to explain why Joseph Thomas Godkin may have gone from Ontario to New Brunswick, where all of his children were born, including a daughter,Eleanor,being a "Hollingsworth" name.
"Deborah" was also a christian name used by the "Hughes" of Ballycanew.

1096. Anna Maria Hollingsworth

Anna Maria was buried in the church yard where her funeral was conducted, St. Mary Magdalene.

1108. Edward Earl Hollingsworth

Edward Earl Hollingsworth was great grandfather of Harry Hollingsworth author of the Hollingsworth Register.

When Edward Earl Hollingsworth registered to vote in Los Angeles City, 1896 he was 58 years old, occupation, bandsawyer, height 5 feet 9 inches, complexion light, eyes blue, hair dark, birthplace Illinois.

Edward was buried in the Rosedale Cemetery without a marker. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage at age 63.

He was a house builder, cabinaet maker and contractor painter, paperhanger.

Rachel McFadden

Another small slip of paper, torn from a larger piece, bears the embossed seal of a notary for Winona County, Minnesota, on one side, and on the other, in Elizabeth's (Brown) writing, the following:
Mr Edward E. Hollingsworth And Rachel Mcfadden Was Married on January The fifth, 1860, In the (sic: expunged) Olmstid (Olmsted) Co and State (Brown) Hollings- Of Minesota By worth. Mr Height
This is also in the handwriting of Elizabeth. (Courtesy of Barbara Wallace Garrett)

Rachel had a hand laundry at Waseca and Mary worked for her. They didn't hit it off too well and it was thought because Mary was a Scot and Rachel a Gael, that was the reason. As years passed they did become staunch friends.

Rachel and Edward were divorced November 12, 1880, Rachel never remarried and was known to have quite a "Scotch-Irish" temper.

Rachel was descended from English Loyalist and Quakers, as well as French Huguenots Protestant refugees.

Fannie Lindsay

Deserted Wife's End. Young woman abused and threatened by wretched husban swallows fatal dose of carbolic acid.

Deserted by her despicable wretch of a husband, who flaunted vile amour in her face, Fannie drank an ounce of carbolic acid Sunday morning Oct 13, 1903 at the home of her mother, 717 Commercial Street, Los Angeles. Charles deserted his wife for another woman, and had a child with her.

1109. Jacob Hollingsworth

Jacob and Lizzie reared two children by Lizzie's first husband Frank Hambrick, and the children took the Hollingsworth name, the children were Frederick and Mary.

Jacob was married twice and had six children according to the HR.

1110. (J.S.)Samuel Hollingsworth Dr. Later added John

If this is them then they come down to J..S. (Samuel) Hollingsworth, a veterinarian in Green Bay, Wi until his death in Nov of 1917. J.S. and his wife, Fidelia Addy Vandyke Hollingsworth had no children of their own that lived and had children. He was known to take in orphans and my grandmother was one of them. In the obits there are two surviving children listed: My grandmother - Olive J. Hollingsworth Wallace and William R. Hollingsworth. (Barbara "Wallace" Garrett)

Dr. Sam (he was a vet) dressed well, wore a tall hat and a good suit and sported a cane, he also had a drooping left eyelid.

491 M iv John Samuel Hollingsworth Dr. was born in 1845 in Lived in Wisconsin. He died in 1917 in He was a Veterinary Surgeon..
That would be J.S. Hollingsworth. However, that is not his given name. My information indicates he had a younger brother, John, that died young and he took his name and added it to his own as a memorial to John.

JS's obit:
Dr. J. S. Hollingsworth, Green Bay, Wisconsin - 1917. OLD RESIDENT OF GREEN BAY MEETS END THIS M0RNING. DR. J. S. HOLLINGSWORTH, VETERINARIAN, DIES AT AGE OF 72 YEARS. Dr. J. S. Hollingsworth, one of the oldest veterinarians in Wis- consin, died in his home, 343 So. Roosevelt Street at 5 o'clock this morning of heart trouble. He was 72 years old. The funeral of Dr. Hollingsworth will be held Monday with a ser- vice in the home at 2 o'clock. Interment will be in Woodlawn. Dr. Hollingsworth was born in 1845 in Cherry Valley, Illinois. He came to Green Bay in 1872 and was active in his profession until about three years ago. He had been ailing since spring. Surviving Dr. Hollingsworth are the widow, a son William of Green Bay, and a daugh- ter Mrs. Frank Wallace of Green Bay. (Green Bay Press-Gazette, Nov. 3, 1917, sent in typescript by Green Bay's Kellog Public Library, 125 S. Jefferson, Green Bay, under date of May 19, 1962.

Fidelia Addy VanDyke Sadly all her children died young

Olive Joy Hollingsworth: Adopted by Addy (Vandyke) Hollingsworth and Dr.
J. S. Hollingsworth (Samuel John, for his deceased little brother).
Addy was actually Fidelia Addy Vandyke, born Mar 6, 1844 to John and
Hannah (Johnson) Vandyke.
Olive is my fathers mother.
OLIVE WALLACE 27 Jul 1886 Jun 1967 54305 (Green Bay, Brown,
WI) (none specified) 396-03-7307 Wisconsin
View Record Frank Wallace name city, Brown, Wisconsin
abt 1887 location race relation

Addy (Vandyke) Hollingsworth, Green Bay, Wis. - 1928. MRS. HOLLINGSWORTH VICTIM OF STROKE. WELL KNOWN GREEN BAY WOMAN PASS- ED AWAY WEDNESDAY. Mrs. Addy F. Hollingsworth, widow of the late Dr. J. S. Hollings- worth, passed away at her home, 343 South Roosevelt Street, Wednesday night. Her death was due to a paralytic stroke. She had been confined to her home for the past five years but death came unexpectedly. Mrs. Hollingsworth has lived in Green Bay continuously for 57 years, coming from Iowa. She was born in Brandon, Vermont, 81 years ago*. A charter member of the Women's Relief Corps she is the last of the organizing members of that lodge which was created here in 1882. Surviving her are a son and daughter, Mrs. Olive Wallace and W. R. Hollingsworth both of Green Bay. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Findeisen And Greiser's cbapel with the Reverend Adolph Baldon and the Women's Relief Corps in charge. Interment will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. (Green Bay Press-Gazette, Thu Nov 22, 1928 typed from the hard bound books by staff at Kellogg Pub- lic Library.) *Brandon, Vermont is apparently incorrect. Editor's later research, after receiving this in 1962, showed John Vandyke and family, Addy's folks, lived at other locations, including New York and New Hampshire. The family bible record shows Addy was born Mar 6, 1844 and, hence, was 84 years old. Her parents were John and Hannah (Johnson) Vandyke. Both died within a month of each other in the autumn of 1858. Thus, Addy was orphaned and how she got out to Jasper County, Iowa, in time to meet Sam Hollingsworth is still not known. Her right name was Fid- elia Addy Vandyke, but in later life she changed it around. Samuel was said to have taken his little deceased brother's name (John) and added it to his own as a sort of memorial to him. But as a business- man in Green Bay, the "J.S." sounded more businesslike. He packed a .45 in his medicine wagon! He also used to go aboard "orphan cars" on trains and take a poor, dirty child home and raise it as his own. The late Miss Margaret Olsen of Bellingham, Washington, said that the couple had thus raised or partially raised, at least eleven such children. The two survivors, William and Olive were not their own. All their own children died young without issue.

1722. Minnie Hollingsworth

Minnie Hollingsworth, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 1887. DIED - of consumption on Tuesday morning, December 13, 1887 in Green Bay, MINNIE, daughter of J.S. and A.F. Hollingsworth, aged 19 years. (Green Bay Advocate, Thurs, Dec 15, 1887, courtesy of somebody way back in 1960 or 1961. Think it was the Public Library in Green Bay. The parents lost all their own children in childhood or young adult- hood. Their names - the parents - were (Dr.) J. Samuel Hollingsworth and Fidelia Addy (Vandyke) Hollingsworth, his wife. Samuel was the 3d child of our Frederick1 and Elizabeth (Brown) Hollingsworth and was a veterinarian in Green Bay.)

1723. Ethelin Hollingsworth

Ethelin Ho11ingsworth, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 1889. DEATH OF MISS HOLLINGSWORTH. Miss Ethelin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Hollingsworth, who had long been ill with consumption, died on Tuesday morning, April 16, at the age of 19 years. The family has been sadly stricken, this beloved daughter being the last of their fam- ily of five children. The funeral takes place at two o'clock on this Thursday afternoon from the residence, corner of Crooks and Eleventh streets, (Green Bay Advocate, Thurs Apr 18, 1889, same authority, solicited for by your editor.

Ethelen Hollingsworth - 1889 - Miss Ethelen Hollingsworth, daughter of Mr. an Mrs. J. S. Hollings- worth, died this morning of consumption after an illness of over six months. For the past three months she had been confined to the bed and was a great sufferer. She was nineteen years old on March 15th. Her death leaves her parents childless they having already lost three young sons and a daughter about nineteen years old, who died a year ago. The funeral takes place on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence, corner of Crooks and Eleventh Streets. (Green Bay Dai- ly State Gazette, Tues, Apr 16, 1889.) These items are reprinted in HR from our December, 1965 issue, p. 160, where they were interpolated in the story of Dr. Samuel Hollingsworth, before we had a regular Obituary column.)

1726. Samuel Hollingsworth

Samuel Hollingsworth, Green Bay, Wis., 1883. DIED, in this city, September 18, 1883, SAMUEL, son of Mr. & Mrs. J.S. Hollingsworth, aged 1 year, 9 months, and 24 days. (Green Bay Advo- cate, Thurs. Sept. 20, 1883, same source. The other children who died in infancy were: Frederick, in 1877 aged 4 years, 9 months (Woodlawn Cemetery books) and John Samuel, Sept 18, 1879 (same day and month as his brother Samuel as if an ironic joke) aged 4 years, 10 months- same source.)

1727. William R. Hollingsworth married 3 times

William was found by Samuel in a railroad car full of orphan waifs, which was passing through Geen Bay. His real name is lost to our records. In adult life he was a food salesman, and accordding to hearsay evidence, he care little for his adoptive parents, or their history. His third wife certainly did not care to help Harry in his requests for information.

1112. William Wallace Hollingsworth

William Wallace Hollingsworth was a druggist, music and piano store proprietor, musician and a piano-tuner. WW was a member of the Kellogg, Iowa brass band and a member of the Good Templars local chapter.

In 1904 he bought a Cadillac, it was a startling sight to behold, that red and black conveyance. He took his wife Lizzie and daughter Gladys to visit relatives in Iowa and Wisconsin.

William was the youngest son and was left with the task of caring for his mother. She was a well known resident of Kellogg, Iowa, until her death, and as her son attained prominence in the social life of the community, Elizabeth became known as "Mr. W. W. Hollingsworth's mother."

In Wallace's private younger days he was said to have courted a Miss Adair, daughter of the founder of Kellogg, Dr. Absalom W. Adair, but Wallace's heart was secured by Miss Lizzie Stolte of Newton.

William's cause of death was "pulmonary tuberculos" and his illness had extended back over six months.

Elizabeth M. Stolte

Elizabeth resided in Newton almost from infancy and is known by most of our people, as one of our brightest and most lovable young ladies. In her bridal robe she was beautiful, fully reflecting the lovely character and pure heart of Lizzie as we have known her so long.

After her husband's death she lived out her live in San Diego under the faithfull care of her loving child Gladys. She was very ill towards the end of her life and was very courageous through it all.

1729. Gladys Ruth Hollingsworth

William's daughter Gladys described her father as a charming man.

1118. Doctor Samuel Hollingsworth Agar

Samuel was a physician and surgeon, and a very responsible member of the community he served for about fifty years. Dr. Agar studied at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. After he married Mary the newlyweds went to Warwickshire, England.

During the cricket season 1858-1859, he played on the team and was the star player. In 1868 he acquired a mental asylum called Burman House; bought Hurst House in 1874, which he made his residence and built another called Glendossill, completed in 1882.

He was described by the widow Mrs. Willoughby Agar, of a grandson as:" a very charming and good looking man and was very much loved in the village.

Samuel held positions as Justices of the Peace and County Magistrate for Henley Patty Sessional Division.

Samuel was married to Elizabeth in the Church of England by his brother Rev William Agar. The witnesses were James Drumcree and James J. Joyce.

William Shakespeare's son William Jr. attended the funeral of Dr. Agar

Elizabeth Anne Joyce

Elizabeth was the daughter of William Joyce, a Merchant, and her marriage took place at Portadown near Valentine's home.

1732. Doctor Samuel Hollingsworth Agar Jr. Bachelor

Samuel Jr. studied at Cambridge University and the London Royal College of Surgeons, and worked at Guy's Hospital. He became partner with his father in 1898, he succeeded his father and retired in 1920.

1119. William Agar Rev.

William Agar went on to become a New Orleans sugar broker who was the father of John G Agar of "Who's Who in America". William Agar was the father of John Agar, founder of Agar Pork Packing Company, Chicago, who was the great-grandfather of John Agar the Hollywood actor who married Shirley Temple, the child star.

1120. Frederick Agar Doctor

On January 2, 1868, Frederick Agar, age 34, Bachelor, M.D. abode: Poners End, County Middlesex, England son of John Agar, Gentleman, married Sophia Elizabeth Dennis 28, spinster, gentlewoman, abode: Enniscoffy Glebe, Daughter of George M. Dennis, clergyman. Married by Rev George Morley Dennis, Rector, with William A Hobles and Joseph Morley Dennis witnesses, by License.

When Frederick died he was aged 75 years, 1 month and 21 days. Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Matriculant, Royal College of Surgeons.

In his Will, Dr Frederick Agar only names his two nephews, Samuel Hollingsworth Agar and John James Agar, as executors and his wife Sophia Elizabeth Agar as Executrix, not mentioning any of his children by name.

1736. Morley Frederick Agar Dr. - Surgeon

Morley was alive in 1927 and had offices at 68 Wimpole Street, London, England.

1737. Frederick Alfred Bailey Agar Rev. Baptist

In November of 1969 at the time of Harry Hollingsworth's research he found Frederick living at Roger Williams Hotel, 28 East 31st Street, New York City at aged 97 years. (He was unable to be of any help with the family history.)

Frederick was a Baptist Missionary, an Ordained Minister, D.D. Franklin College 1893, he also was the author of several religious books.

He was called to an African missionary position later after being ordained he became a medical missionary to Congo Free State in 1893. He was the author of over twenty books or pamphlets dealing with church doctrine or management.