Descendants of Henry Hollingsworth 7th great grandfather


949. William Hollingsworth

The tradition about this William Hollingsworth indicates that he was born the very night of the battle of Arklow, 9 Jun 1798. He was raised at Cronelusk from 1811 onward. His father obtained his lease that year.

William was born circa 1778-9, if we can believe his age given in his death record. It is believed at this time that his father was named John and his grandfather was named Daniel.

William is believed to be buried at Castlemacadam Churchyard at Pollaphuca (Avoca)

Elizabeth Hempenstall cousin to Margaret

The Hempenstall (Hepenstall - probably derived from the English place name Heptonstall) family are in Irish records in the County Wicklow area from the 17th century. These at Ashwood which is very near Arklow were related to "The Walking Gallows", Jack Heppenstall or Hempenstall of the Yeomanry Corps. He was a very tall man, near seven feet, and hated rebels. During the Great Rebellion of 1798, he earned himself the dubious fame of executing the enemy on the spot. He carried a hangman's noose with him in his saddle and upon confronting with the enemy, he looped it about his neck, threw the rope over his shoulder and stood upto his full height and literally hanged the poor fellow until dead. His name has been hated by the Irish all through these two hundred plus years ever since.

Pollaphuca took its name probably from the extremely beautiful waterfall and rock grotto named "Poulaphuca", near the Vale of Avoca, a part of the river of that name.

Elizabeth Hemperstall was a sister of the wife of her husband's brother Samuel Hollingsworth, who emigrated to Canada and a cousin of Margaret Hempenstall of Scarnagh, Inch, who married her husband's brother Nicholas Hollingsworth as his second wife.

Inside the church and I have no idea why these two headstones are here against the back wall, perhaps placed there by family i do not know but with a fascination I transcribed them .......photographed them and wondered about there link to Australia the Headstones are side by side and I cleaned them removed the Ivy and polished the stone it is a brown slate type stone and beautiful when polished...... HOLLINGSWORTH Erected to the memory of her loving and beloved mother Elizabeth Hollingsworth of Poulaphuca Who slept in Jesus The 3rd of December 1878 By Ellen McNamara of Sydney NSW prayer And also her brothers William Died 16th Oct 1876 aged 34 Samuel died 1st May 1913 aged 76 Daniel Died 23rd Sept 1913 aged 73

1509. Catherine Hollingsworth

I am a direct-line descendent (4th generation born in Australia) of
CATHERINE HOLLINGSWORTH, she was my great-great-grandmother. Catherine
arrived in Sydney in 1849 on the Duke of Roxburgh as an assisted-passage
immigrant: she came on her own at the age of 17, her occupation is stated
as "nursemaid", and she born about 1830 in "ENNIS---RT County Wexford" --
I have not thus far been able to decipher the handwriting, but I suspect it
should read Enniscorthy.

I have just discovered from her funeral notice that Catherine had a sister
in the colony: MRS T. MCNAMARA. Upon investigation, I have found that
ELLEN HOLLINGSWORTH married TIMOTHY MCNAMARA in 1860, and I am awaiting
receipt of the marriage certificate to research her further. However, my
preliminary work shows that she had 12 children, some of whom lived to
adulthood and married; and, that possibly she was widowed in 1900 and

Also, I can tell you that a third sister, MARY ANN HOLLINGSWORTH arrived in
Sydney in 1849 on the Mary Bannatyne as an assisted-passage immigrant: she
came on her own at the age of 19, her occupation is stated as "housemaid",
and she was born in 1825, "Templeshambo, County Wexford". My research
shows that she married THOMAS FINLEY in 1850 and had two daughters.

1510. Mary Ann Hollingsworth

I can tell you that a third sister, MARY ANN HOLLINGSWORTH arrived in
Sydney in 1849 on the Mary Bannatyne as an assisted-passage immigrant: she
came on her own at the age of 19, her occupation is stated as "housemaid",
and she was born in 1825, "Templeshambo, County Wexford". My research
shows that she married THOMAS FINLEY in 1850 and had two daughters.
Frances Bluhdorn

950. Samuel Hollingsworth

Samuel was a farmer, laborer and lumber mill man. He was the second son of John Hollingsworth of Cronelusk, Arklow, County Wicklow and he died in Traverse City, Grand Travers County, Michigan at about age 62. He was buried in Oakwood Cemetery in the Hollingsworth plot, where children and his second wife Hannah are also buried. According to Harry Hollingsworth there is no marker or mention of his burial in the cemetery ledgers. Samuel emigrated with his brothers Dan and Tom in about 1836.

It is believed that Samuel was raised in Arklow Parish and worked as a common laborer and farmer on the Hempenstall farms at Ashwood and Scarnagh in the parish of Inch and that is where he met Ellenor who was the sister-in-law of his older brother William.

Samuel and his brother Daniel bought 235 acres, 175 uncultivated and 60 cultivated, for L548.6s on 29 May 1843, from John Shuter of Middlesex, England. Daniel sold his half to Samuel for L270, or half the cost.

According to family tradition, Samuel died within three or four days of a hernia attack.

Samuel appears to have remarried to a Hannah Dutton who was born in Canada. Altogether between the two marriages Samuel Hollingsworth would have had about 14 children. Eleven with Ellen Hempenstall and three with Hannah Dutton, Edward, Thomas & Hannah.

Samuels gravestone says "Samuel Hollingsworth died Oct 12, 1879 aged 35 years 2 mo., 12 days"

Ellenor (Ellen) Hempenstall Elizabeth's sister

I have probably read everything I could find on this family on the Internet and vital statistics from the archives. I had tried to piece together a family in Ireland and what I have come up with was very close to the same conclusions as you. It is quite amazing. One thing Ellenor Hempenstall died according to my records on November 31, 1874. This information I received from the Transcripts of the Mallorytown, Cemetery at the Archives. I also visited the cemetery and although you cannot read her stone anymore I felt the raised stone impressions and that confirmed this date. (Catherine Murdoch)

Ellenor Hollingsworth
1809- 1874

Inscription on grave stone Mallorytown, Cemetery
"Ellen Hempenstall wife of Samuel Hollingsworth
died November 31, 1874 AE 65 years
a native of Co. Wexford Ireland, immigrated
to Canada 40 years ago"

The Hempenstalls traditionally followed not only farming but the trade of blacksmithing.

1516. Ellenor Hollingsworth

Ellenor was a member of the Church of England. Ellenor (Ellen) married John Neil both of Yonge, formerly Escott township. Her Will was dated 1 Nov 1833 but was registered until Apr 1892.

1525. James Hollingsworth

James went to Bliss, New York and was living there in 1901, he returned after being gone for thirty-five years to find his brothers and sisters all dead.

Hannah Douglass Dutton

Family letters indicate the second wife was buried "next to father." Hannah purchased her burial spot prior to 1887 according to a letter from City Clerk, Traverse City, dated 10 May 1968.

Sometime between 1850 (last child with Ellen) and 1856 Samuel must have moved from Ontario, Canada to Grand Traverse, Michigan. He married Hannah about 1856 in Grand Traverse County. Now Edward (born 1857) and Thomas (born 1859) were listed as being born in Canada perhaps they were traveling back and forth between the two countries. Hannah is the only child listed as being born in Michigan in the census. (Census can be quite inaccurate information sources, caution is always advised and all information has to be weighed.)

Samuel died on December 12, 1862 in Traverse City, MI. His son or brother John Hollingsworth took temporary custody of the three minor children in 1867 but the children were back with their mother when she remarried to a John Bridehope or Breithaupt and appears in the 1870 census for Elmwood Township, Leelanau County, MI. Later at the time of her death in 1889 at Traverse City, Hannah is again going by the name Hollingsworth. Her three children are mentioned and the fact that her daughter was married to James C. Avery of that city. The Obituary read;
GRAND TRAVERSE HERALD MAY 1889 Mrs. Hollingsworth, aged 67 years, for nearly 30 years a resident of Traverse City, died Tuesday afternoon, after an illness of about a week. Mrs. Hollingsworth was one of the pioneers of Traverse City, and has seen the town develop from a few rough shanties on the bay shore, among the pines, to the handsome town it now is. Three children survive: Edward H. and Thomas, who live at Alpena, and Hannah, wife of J. C. Avery of this place.
Hannah Hollingsworth died on April 23,1889 of Consumption.

Hannah's obituary stated; Mrs. Hollingsworth was one of the pioneers of Traverse City, and has seen the town develop from a few rough shanties on the bay shore, among the pines, to the handsome town it now is.

Samuel and Hannah were really among the early pioneers of Traverse City as they arrived in the year 1859 and the Northern Territory of Michigan was just opening up.

951. Daniel Hollingsworth

Daniel and Ann's graves are right beside Ellenor, Alice & Samuel Jr.'s in the Mallorytown Cemetery. I will send you a picture of his gravestone. You cannot read it without being there so I have included the inscription.

"Daniel Hollingsworth died April 04, 1884 aged 79 years & 3 days.
Ann Eleanor wife of Daniel Hollingsworth died
September 03, 1897 age 77 years 4 months & 21 days."

Anne Eleanor (Manning) Hyde

Anne Eleanor Manning's first husband (Hyde) died so she was widowed when she married Daniel. Daniel sold his half of the land he bought with his brother Samuel to Samuel, and right about that time married the widow Hyde, a Roman Catholic, she changed to Anglican when she married Daniel.

Anne was one of the early settlers in the Township of Escott area, having settled when it was still a dense forest. Her obit states she is survived by seven children, four sons and three daughters. [According to my records that leaves one daughter unaccounted for. Maybe she was a daughter by her first husband Hyde.]

The obit goes on to say that the four sons are in prosperous circumstances at or in the immediate neighbourhood of the old homestead while two out of her three daughters are married and have families. Her funeral took place from her residence and she was laid to rest in Mallorytown Cemetery next to her husband. Over 100 vehicles followed to the cemetery from the house.

1530. Ann (Hyde) Hollingsworth birth name Hyde

Ann was the child of Anne Eleanor (Manning) Hyde and her first husband Hyde. She was most likely legally adopted by Daniel or she decided to use his family name.

1535. David John Hollingsworth

David was the Escott postmaster and storekeeper. He also was a first cousin once removed of Alice McAvoy, by way of her mother Elizabeth Hollingsworth.

952. John Hollingsworth

John was last known to be living when he certified his wife's death. John's wife Bridget was a Roman Catholic and John changed his religion when they married, and he allowed his children to be raised Catholic.

Family moved near Wicklow Town before 1835.

953. Thomas James Hollingsworth

Immigrated to Canada with his brothers Daniel and Samuel about 1836. He was married to Margaret Carberry by Rev. William H. Gunning, Missionary at Lambspond.

Thomas revoked are previous Wills and wrote another dated April 8, 1890 bequeathing the whole of his Real Estate to his son Thomas James Hollingsworth, who was living with his father at the time. The signing of the Will was witnessed by William James Hollingsworth and sworn on March 31, 1891 that he was present at the signing of the Will.

Thomas had a nephew William, not known at this time if the witness was the same man.

Margaret Carberry

Margaret could possibly be from the Castle-Carberry, County Kildare family.

954. Michael Hollingsworth

Michael came to New York on ship Alice Wilson, arrived 4 Aug 1851, family also was listed and his wife just as "Mrs.", nothing else known of her at this time. The ship list shows Hempenstalls, Moores, Meylers and many others with names identified as Arklow area families.

1545. Joseph Hollingsworth

Joseph was believed to be the same Joseph at Chico, California "aged 36 in 1881" when he registered as a voter.

955. Nicholas Hollingsworth Sr.

When their son John Hempenstall Hollingsworth was born their abode was given as Ballycumeclone. Nicholas was born about 1816 at Cronelusk, and died at Mangan House, Hollyfort, Kilnahue Parish at age 68. He was a farmer and dairyman, lived at Arklow and had financial failure there, later moved to Mangan, recouped his losses by good management of a herd of dairy cattle, paid his debts and left his estate to his widow. This info was given to Harry Hollingsworth by Nicholas's grand Daughter, Maria Hollingsworth Hollingsworth. (yes it is double) Must have been a cousin that married a cousin.

According to Harry Hollingsworth, Nicholas had six or seven children by his first wife and sixteen children by his second wife, twenty-two total children between the two wives. So far I can only account for nine (9) by his second wife Margaret Hempenstall, and six by is first wife.

Both Nicholas and Margaret are buried at the old Kilbride Cemetery in County Wicklow in Kilbride-Enerreilly Church Parish.

1550. Mary Ann Hollingsworth (had no children)

Mary was a nurse and had no children of her own, was to have raised most of the children of her deceased brother Samuel Hollingsworth. Her wedding was said to have been a double wedding with her sister Ellen. They both lived at that time in Golden Lane, Dublin.

1551. Frances Hollingsworth

Nothing known about Frances or her husband at this time.

Margaret Hempenstall believed to have had 16 children

Margaret's cousin was Elizabeth Hollingsworth. Margaret was believed to have had 16 children, only 7 are known of at this time.

1552. Eliza Hollingsworth went to Canada

Eliza was left 40 pounds by her mother when she died. According to a letter written to HH of HR, Elizabeth and her husband John McCall "went out" to Canada and raise a family there. Not known if they ever found her to give her the 40 pounds and at this point we don't know about her marraige and children with John McCall.

1553. Catherine Hollingsworth

Catherine was left 50 pounds by her mother when she died in March of 1898. Her sister Eliza was a signed witness at her wedding.

All of Catherine's five sons and five daughter married. Her sister Elizabeth Hollingsworth was a witness at her weddding and not yet married.

1560. Thomas Hollingsworth #2 died 4 days after arrival in US

At the time of Thomas's Baptism he was living in Hollyfort.

Son Thomas was left the sum of 200 pounds when his mother died. Thomas was also left the right to stay in the house until he was 21, by his mother in her will. Thomas at age nineteen, went to New York to see his brother Nicholas, he died the four nights after he landed by blowing out the gaslight rather than turning the gas off.

Coroner's Certificate of Death in the City of New York, says that Thomas died "Asphyxia due to inhaling Illuminating Gas".

Thomas brother Nicholas and his wife Mary were sleeping in another room. so they were spared death.

Years before HH stated in his HR, Nicholas Hollingsworth of Hollyfort wrote a letter to HH and related the story of his uncle Thomas and how he died in New York by blowing out the gaslight. It wasn't until many years later, Harry Hollingsworth proved the story and published it in his HH in July 1985.

956. Edward Hollingsworth

Edward inherited Big Rock Farm and bequeathed it to his children who held it well into the 20th Century.

Sarah Freeman

When Sarah's father George died he left her,"3 pounds sterling and no more...." Taken from her father's will.

1564. Ellen Hollingsworth

Thanks Tom,
We are in Gloucestershire in England. Mike's connection is via his maternal greatgrandmother Eleanor (or perhaps Ellen) Hollingsworth who married Gilbert Francis Hill in about 1902 somewhere in Ireland. Their daughter was born in Dublin. Eleanor's place of birth on the 1911 census is given as Arklow. We are trying to establish whether she is the Ellen H daughter of Edward H and Sarah Freeman of Big Rock, Arklow b 1873. The year is certainly right.
Barbara Warnes, Gloucestershire, England 13 Feb 2009